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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 13:17 other posts 
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By bella! [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 14:17 other posts 
4 more years!? Please God, say it isn't possible.

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By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 16:35 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 20:40 other posts 
I’m not gonna worry until it happens i don’t believe there is that many stupid people that would make the same mistake twice
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 20:53 other posts 
Consider the source.. and it is a 50-50 guess
By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 20:58 other posts 
Well considering the way thins are going right now, we have college kids demanding their college debts get paid off while hollering death to America. I would assume they want to get on a bus and head to canada with their debts paid off before America dies though.
biden is buying votes by canceling debt.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 04:59 other posts 
Maybe we will get lucky and Biden will stroke out before the election
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 07:42 other posts 
remember John Gill on star trek, drugged and propped up in a chair to spread the "word".
that is how biden is being used right now. Folks are just to blind to see it.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 09:28 other posts 
Just wait until the good people find out about the mandates Mr Biden sanctioned upon the nursing home field he wants them to have full time nurses on duty every shift and nurses aides and they are supposed to spend a certain amount of time with each resident with absolutely no funding from our government his heart is in the right place but as always he didn’t think it through far enough this kind of thinking will bring hardship to an all ready declining field causing more nursing home to close their doors way to go Joe you fucking nitwit
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Don’t take my word for it look it up if i can find it any one can
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 11:55 other posts 
I know 100% for a fact nursing homes need some one to come down on them HARD and fast,
To late for my grandmother that was shoved between the bed and wall and left to suffocate by a large ,black male nurse that wanted her tv. literally that was the situation but I couldn't prove it, I hope that sumbitch burns in hell with bells on.He didn't get the tv, i carried it out the door and sold it a few days later.Thinking back i shoulda beat it with a hammer and left it for him.

familys need to come down off their high horses and take care of their elderly themselves. to busy making money to turn around and pay for nursing home care and child care and etc, when the wife could simply stay at home and take care of the mother and the babies herself.
People are conditioned nowadays just to throw their elders in the dumpster,'nursing home".
By #610414 30,Apr,24 14:52
She, Phart, was old enough and the room was probably needed. What's really needed is for family to take care of their loved ones at home, not,this way
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 17:26 other posts 
whats age got to do with it? I was not in a position to alter my grandma's destiny or I would have done something.
By #610414 30,Apr,24 14:50
Well, they should be at home. Too lazy to take care of family.
By #610414 02,May,24 08:45
Considering that Biden got 81,282,916 REAL votes versus Trump getting 74,223,369 REAL votes, I think we can assume that, at least half of the nation would rather NOT have the Clown ever be in the White House again.
Unless, of course, if they paint ADX Florence white. 🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 09:57 other posts 
well considering how much college debt biden has wiped away trying to buy votes and the tax increases he is trying to push thru, i think you will see a difference in those numbers this fall.
We are fed up with people getting free college on the backs of the taxpayers when they are the 1's that agreed to take on the debt and pay it back. IF there was NO other reason for not voting for biden ,that would be the last straw for me.
if you can't afford college, and aren't smart enough to get a grant or a scholarship,and you take on a debt to pay for college, that is YOUR BABY, just like you take on a car payment or house payment,YOU OWE IT> Now pay it the hell back. and if you don't pay it back, you loose your creditials.
By #610414 02,May,24 11:02
Right, so, using that logic, we should not subsidize farmers, get Medicare and Medicaid, we should not have FEMA cover costs after storms, or contribute to federal government campaigns.
College loans are made by students that have minimal or no understanding of what they are signing for. These loans are made by companies that are predatory and the Feds are putting the screws to these people with draconian collections. Why is the government allowed to take your tax return to collect? Why shouldn't they go to court to get a judgement to collect? Why can't a student declare bankruptcy like in any other credit situation? I don't care if it's fair or not if others paid. As you said, "that's their baby"
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 11:12 other posts 
Are you kidding me?
At 18 years old they have not learned enough about economics in school to understand what a loan is and that it has to be paid back?
That exposes a whole other set of issues with our education system if they are not teaching enough about economics for the students to understand debt.
How can a 18 year old qualify for college if they are not smart enough to understand bills and debts?

As for the farmers, cry me a river. In my county alone, the income from loss's covered by the government far out weights any other source of income for the farmers and the sumbitches are always in new trucks, new tractors and so on, on top of the fact they are wearing 500 bucks worth of Carhartt clothes and boots on a average winter day. they don't need subsides, they need to go back to school to learn economics and use older equipment that does not require debt.
and for campaigns,hell no government should not pay it's self to run for office or pay it's way to run for office.
By #610414 02,May,24 12:29
Yes, that's what I'm saying. Cry ME a river.

By phart [Ignore] 02,May,24 11:25 other posts 
I kinda got pissed off this morning.
I got a Lowes credit card a couple years ago.
It gave a 5% discount on purchases so i would use it and then pay the bill at the end of the month, saved a bit of money and such.
Well recently got a new card, it was being converted to a standard credit card with higher amount and etc, sounds good,except they were going to charge me 2 dollars a month to send a paper bill. So I just kept the old card and i ordered a string trimmer for a neighbor that didn't have access to the internet monday, his trimmer came and i wanted to pay the balance. Oh my, I couldn't because the account had not been activated yet. I got a real person and turns out since i didn't activate the new card, the old card went out the night after I used it, and I would need to activate the new 1. I ask about the 2 dollars a month and she said "Oh yes that is the new agreement with the bank that they can collect a 2 dollar fee each month for the paper bill." I ask if i could pay the balance and then cancel the card. which i did.
the lady said my reason was recorded and reported to help with customer service.
with the millions they make in profit, they can afford to send me a bill each month. companys have been sending paper bills for a 100 years or more. No reason to change now.

By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 22:28 other posts 
it is ok to sing happy birthday
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By bella! [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 23:24 other posts 
To who, you? Is it your birthday? I plan on having one this year.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 05:02 other posts 
No no not me I’m old enough no more birthdays for me
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 07:38 other posts 
no I just watched a video about what was illegal to do on the internet and that was 1 of the things he said was illegal was to sing happy birthday on the internet. I quickly debunked that 1 and was shocked that it was even a possibility of something so childish and simple being copyrighted.

I know planet earth is getting more fucked up by the day but I could just see the police arresting a family for singing happy birthday to grandmal and they get a jail sentance.sounds like something liberals would just slobber themselves over a chance to do

By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 07:36 other posts 
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Looks familiar.Goes back to the people saying the democrats are the 1's that broke into the capital building, seems to be the same technics.

By bella! [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 00:40 other posts 
The Twins discussion on the incident where the Toledo Police release a K-9 on a driver during a traffic stop.

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By phart [Ignore] 24,Apr,24 15:58 other posts 
I wonder if these dumbass college kids agreeing with Death to America, want it to die before or AFTER their college debts are wrote off and absorbed the tax payers?
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I would hate to think our tax money is payin for these kids to go to college, only for them to drop out of class and protest.
that aint why they are in college.
They are supposed to be getting a education so they can get decent jobs and support themselves.

I just wonder how many parents out there are struggling to cover their kids college education only to see their kid on tv shouting and holding signs wanting the country decimated.
If i had a kid in college and they were participating in this shit, i would disown and leave them to their own devices. DON"T come home,YOU AINT GOT 1!
By #610414 24,Apr,24 17:18
Phart, it's a very long tradition, worldwide, for college students to carry out protests of whatever. You name it and there's been a demonstration in some college. I believe they, not only have the right to demonstrate, but, it's healthy for them to try to right what they consider a wrong.
Having said that, I don't believe it's fair or safe for them to disrupt the educational process of a college campus. If they want to demonstrate about a political subject, I would suggest City Hall.
I'm not happy with Israel's continued destruction of Gaza. I can see their point of view, but, I believe they've crossed a line.
As far as the college demonstrators, the cops should detain and charge all students and insist they get kicked out of college for a minimum of two years and fined$2500. I bet the parents get involved.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Apr,24 21:46 other posts 
now it makes sense,
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By sherryann [Ignore] 26,Apr,24 21:49 other posts 
Of course
By phart [Ignore] 26,Apr,24 22:49 other posts 
people like cat and annas think folks like me are just blowing smoke when we try to tell them this man is a threat to our country and our way of life, they don't want to believe it or hear it.
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" Soros has been credibly accused of "hating humanity," and once said he "fancied himself as a god" and believed that the U.S. is a "threat to the world."

The US is a threat to the world, but yet, who has ukraine,israel and who knows who else,come running to for aid?? the US.
Soro's needs to be in a prison
By sherryann [Ignore] 26,Apr,24 23:02 other posts 
It's impossible to talk to liberals because of their deep brainwashing and how they believe. They think WE'RE the ones indoctrinated too I don't dislike either of those 2 members at all. I just realize I can't and never will get through to them. I understand you and how you believe but I know you're not getting through. I don't fault or hate the people, just the crazy ideology. The problem is most people if not all think exactly like CAT & Anneas. Very few think like you or I or someone that agrees with us.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 00:12 other posts 
Yea, it is strange how 1000's of people died fighting to get rid of hilter and his idea's . but yet right here in a America we have people getting college loans from the government supporting killing of Americans, jews,you name it.
why are these protestors not being discredited as the nazi's were? aoc and her ilk are supporting the protesters. Just shows you the quality of people they are.

I don't hate people like cat and and annas, they are indoctrinated far worse than they realize .but as long as they are drawing a breath ,they can be informed and perhaps on their death beds,they might see the light.
By sherryann [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 07:56 other posts 
Yesmost people are low quality, or rather no quality people.

I used to believe in educating people but mow only if they're receptive or its wasted time. Good that you try and keep plugging away, you never know who may gain something from you!
By phart [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 09:15 other posts 

yea, when conservitives say something about immigration we are terriable people. but look at uk?

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This is the quality of people that Cat and Annas want our tax money spent on . People that hate us.
There are 1000's coming here to the US just like this guy that is in UK.
Waste of good air.Should be dragged out behind the shed and shot and left for the vultures.
By sherryann [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 16:16 other posts 
The majority of the public has no idea how dangerous these people are. I agree with you, that's the only way to stop them.
By #610414 29,Apr,24 01:58
Sherryann, why do you divide the public into liberal and conservative groups. Why do you believe liberals are indoctrinated? For that matter, why would you believe conservatives are indoctrinated. Why not think that people have different ideas due to their life experiences?
I get up in the morning and watch as a giant container ship takes out a famous bridge. As a liberal or conservative wouldn’t I be right in saying, “Wow, what a horrendous disaster?” I think you would too.
Then, after a few weeks, we find out the owners of the ship are operating it in an unsafe way and using poorly trained crew members that have little experience working that ship.
That’s when we go different ways. I say, “That so and so, in the name of the almighty dollar, caused lives to be lost and untold damage to the infrastructure of that city, not to mention the income lost by those affected. Something should be done. New regulations should be adopted.
Someone like Phart, a conservative, says, “It’s the cost of doing business.”
You say I’m indoctrinated, but, I bet you can’t define that indoctrination. No one can. No more than I can define what makes you think the way you do.
What I believe with all my heart is that all people should be treated the same. I believe that whole groups should not be labeled bad. I believe that there are good conservatives as much as bad liberals. I also believe that things are what they appear more often than not. You have to decide what is and what isn’t.
By sherryann [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 08:19 other posts 
CAT without too much time now I do think our thoughts are due to our experience & dem republican lib conservatives are all the same anyway cause here they keep vote same one in but voting will change nothing now. What I said was mainly in answer to illegal and CAT yes it's not good or working with all illegal here. J know NYC LA other big cities are going thru same as here. Cat illegal and black commint hate crime too against white only never spoken. You're right I can't define that or nothing really & I'm trying to make point in short time but please try to look at the bigger picture of how things have changed since your Biden took over. I know
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Sorry hope you could read that
By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 21:00 other posts 
cat and annans think we are the 1's wearing blinders. BUT they are the 1's that are like mules pulling borax across the desert.
the media feeds them shit, and they smak their lips and say UM GOOD.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 11:33 other posts 
I want those running that ship to be held responsible.
BUT all those regulations are what makes running the ship co costly ,prompting them to have to save money where they can by hiring cheap labor. The ship has to run a cleaner fuel when it is near port than out in the ocean,that extra fuel system cost alot of money to maintain and some folkes are saying now that switching from 1 fuel to the other amay be what caused issue.
Remember the belch of black smoke shortly before the hit?
All the refrigerator containers coming on at once,to much load on the generators on the wrong fuel at once
By #610414 29,Apr,24 01:29
Left wing groups are PRO ISRAEL
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 20:53 other posts 
You are a muppet- I guess you don't watch the news-

Libs hate Jews and Israel.
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 21:37 other posts 
Who cares. Let's give them money for weapons, let them do obliviate each other, and then we can introduce democracy =)
By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 22:29 other posts 
Well, we could ship these prohamas college kids over there to fight and maybe the palestinian military can pay for their college debt!

By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 12:12 other posts 
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I am confused about this. Did both the kidnapper and the kidnapped both run away from home or is it just 1 person that ran away from home?

By bella! [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 01:59 other posts 
Southern California woman defrauded over $150 million from U.S. Postal Service

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By phart [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 17:54 other posts 
Finland is doing the right thing.
Enhancing national security!! Read that and weep liberals!~
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By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 19:44 other posts 
Sorry most the liberals i know can’t read
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But kudos to Finland on a fantastic job
By phart [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 23:50 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 09:42 other posts 
South carolina now has open carry for 18 and up .
Great news.
I never understood why 18 year olds could sign up for the military and be buried months before their 19th birthday but had to wait until 21 to get a concealed carry permit.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 09:54 other posts 
I agree if you can die for your country at 18 then you should be able to carry concealed drink and smoke either way make it all 18 or 21 either or
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 12:20 other posts 
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Louisiana is joining in with the states with some common sense.
Not enough police, so make it easier for the people to protect themselves.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 13:34 other posts 
I’ve had my concealed carry permit since I was 21

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