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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 12:31 other posts 
The titles for the pic contests are getting very long and extremely specific. I'm thinking of starting one called: "Circumcised, erect penises between 5.5 and 7.5 inches in length and at least 5 inches in girth, belonging to guys named Steve who work in construction and don't shave their pubic hair around the shaft (but keep their nut-sack nicely groomed) that were taken in the woods on a sunny Tuesday posing next to an oak tree."
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 12:34 other posts 
I know, I know and I've tried to make my contest titles UNIQUE and somewhat simple.
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 12:49 other posts 
Damn you’re a funny bastard.
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 15:14 other posts 
Damn! I don't work in construction.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 20:32 other posts 
This contest; im rabie gay bitch /contest.php?id=367


By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 20:15 other posts 
There are currently seven cum related photo/video contests in play.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 20:17 other posts 
Gee, you can never have enough of those!
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 20:32 other posts 
Jerking off in a police vehicle hasn't been done yet.

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 11:03 other posts 
Spooge or spoodge?
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 13:05 other posts 
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 15:38 other posts 
Synonym: Splooge

-Urban Dictionary (where I go when I'm too old to know word meanings)

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 11:35 other posts 

Another member mentioned to me that you can no longer use the same picture in another contest even when the picture was not a winner. I understand not wanting a member to use the same picture in multiple ongoing and at the same time contests, but what is the rationale behind the one picture, one time rule? That's so peculiar!

If that change has been implemented then why not say that pictures used in any contest must be from THIS DECADE?
By admin [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 11:56 other posts 
Because it's boring to see same very pictures in every contest. Make some new pics for god's sake. If they are yours it should not be a problem.

And they are not locked out forever. Once the contest finished, you can submit them again, unless you won. And in this case you can submit them again once it drops out of the recently won contests.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 12:28 other posts 
It's your kingdom. You make the rules, you own all the keys. You can change anything and everything as you see fit.

Because it is boring for WHO to see very pictures in every contest? I'm really not trying to fight with you because God only knows, I would never win and I am too stupid to recognize that I need to see a psychiatrist. BUT, I must disagree and point to the voting members who were NOT bored by seeing the image of a very popular member in at least two simultaneously running contests. One very picture was crowned winner in two separate contests. Just sayin'.

Okay, have you given any thought to having a dedicated archive area for the Free Theme image Contest categories and winners?
By admin [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 13:30 other posts 
One member winning like 10 contests with same very pic is exactly the reason to introduce this limitation. Once the first excitement has calmed down I already see people complaining about same pics being in most of contests. And frankly, it's boring to me too. Since I check those contest to see if everything works correctly, I managed to get bored seeing same images over and over.

I don't see much point to store old contests when you can create new ones as you wish. It never bothered any of you that pic of the month contest results were not stored.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 14:39 other posts 
In POTM, you are able to see 30 days retro. My guess is the way you designed the Free Theme Image Contest, it is only capable of holding "x" amount of pictures at any one time. In essence, when a new contest is won, the oldest picture drops off never to be seen again. So winners MIGHT be lucky if they are featured on the "Winner's Page" for 10 to 14 days.

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 04:37 other posts 
Looks like enticingman wants to entice members into voting and awarding him with ANOTHER trophy for Picture of the Month.

Is anyone, other than myself, hoping to see other participants win? Maybe WE can convince an UNDISCLOSED member that he needs to seek verification.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours

A chant well known by Michiganders but seems to be very fitting for this competition! Let's show our support!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 02:40 other posts 

Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same
complaint. Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip

The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and
has a time booked for surgery the following week.

The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting 3 weeks for an appointment,
then waits 8 weeks to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray, which isn't
reviewed for another week and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months
from then.

Why the different treatment for the two patients?

The FIRST is a Golden Retriever.
The SECOND is a Senior Citizen.

Next time take me to a vet!
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 04:31 other posts 
Ain't that about the truth of the matter!

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 12:24 other posts 
Do you prefer quality over quantity or quantity over quality? And why?
By 2nice [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 12:37 other posts 
Always quality over quantity. Besides gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. Not that I really care much about sinning though. So...yeah. 🤓
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 12:53 other posts 
I prefer quality, but I like a huge quantity of it.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 15:53 other posts 
I can't afford to buy cheap shit.

The shoes I wear is a great example. I work on my feet all day and I wear ONLY Rockport shoes. They are comfortable and when my day is over my feet feel OK. They also last about a long time.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 17:17 other posts 
Quality every time. Now alas, in the real world we cannot always afford to have the best quality but we can choose the best quality that we can afford.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 17:37 other posts 
Bravo! For sure!

I prefer quality to quantity myself. It still amazes me that there are folks that like to have a BIG house, but builder grade finishes within. OR the person who buys a high end car and ops for leatherette interior seating. OR when people suggest eating at places that serve "big" portions. Yeah, big portions of food that is blech!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Jul,18 02:35 other posts 
We are clearly of one mind here. The strange thing is that people making just those types of choices that you describe seem unable to accept that they are actually receiving lesser quality.

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 19:31 other posts 

WOW! Congratulations a FIFTH time to kebmo, this man is ON FIRE! with another Free Theme Image Contest win! kebmo and I have been "friends" for a short time (probably 2 years, or so) and in my opinion, is a "late bloomer". He is finally receiving the recognition that he so deserves and I'm glad y'all are honoring him! Cheers to kebmo!

Another recent winner, ramjam12345 took the trophy for SYD's Muscular Male. ramjam12345 won the contest which ended on Jul 02. Out of 12 participants, he received 24 votes while the median vote was 5. What is interesting about ramjam12345 is that he was befriended by only 1 member. What this illustrates is that it really doesn't matter how many people befriend, how many people are alerted that you are in a contest, 1 or 1801, the members are going to vote for their favorite.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 21:03 other posts 
Oh stop!


By #535938 02,Jul,18 18:02
Hey, all I've been writing a fictional blog series titled "A Forbidden Lust" /blogs/36927.html#t89846 It features SYD members as playing the characters and includes pics. I'd like to make this an interactive experience for all who may enjoy. I'm currently looking for other members who would like to be featured! See here /blogs/36930.html#t0 Cheers!
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 18:26 other posts 
I've read both chapters. Nice work!
By #535938 02,Jul,18 18:35
Thanxxx a bunch! I'd love to see you comment
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 18:51 other posts 
Sorry about that. I should have left a note on the blogs. I've been posting an on-going story on my blog here for the past couple of years (check them out! ), and I know how much I like to get comments from readers. I should have done you the same kindness.
By #535938 02,Jul,18 19:36
No prob Thank you! I'll have to check yours out when I have some time

By routemaster [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 06:43 other posts 
Does anybody else keep getting, from time to time, "This Site Can't Be Reached" when they try to log on, only to get onto the site several minutes later? This seems to be happening quite frequently now.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 07:22 other posts 
Sometimes it does. But it's not very frequent. I attributed this to my internet connection. But, as you experience it too, there could be another problem.
By sweetslit [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 08:31 other posts 
I have been experiencing the same issue. It started for me a week or so ago.
By 2nice [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 09:13 other posts 
Yes. Off and on.
By #545929 02,Jul,18 10:28
I think the hamster keeps falling off the wheel.
By routemaster [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 18:48 other posts 
Thanks for your replies. Its just taken me more than 5 minutes to get into the site because I kept getting that wretched message and then, for no reason whatsoever, I was suddenly let into the site. Something odd is going on.

By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 16:52 other posts 
I'm not sure if this is a new option to the rules of the Free Theme Contest but just so you know...

There is an option "Block recent winners" that, if checked, prevents any of the members who recently won some contest from entering in this contest. That is basically everyone who appear on the lists of recently finished contests. Be warned that the creator will be also blocked if he/she won something recently.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 17:20 other posts 
You know, I created a new contest and I noticed stuff at the top by the contest name and that probably is what you're referring to.

There was a big long discussion the other day which a member used CountryCouple54 to make an example of. In the end, CountryCouple54, JustWill and I were blacklisted by this member who carried on in THIS THREAD about CountryCouple54 winning trophies that he/she couldn't see and points attached to them. There was reference made to the elusive "other very popular members" (whoever the heck the are), wah..wah..wah...

Whatever changes were made, the changes don't affect me as I use my points to create contests but have not entered any of the 10 "fake" contests that I've created. I don't feel there is a need to restrict any contests by excluding certain members WITH THE EXCEPTION OF the contest I created for the over 60 year old SYD/SYC members.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 17:42 other posts 
Yes, I saw that a few days ago that's why I shared this info.

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jul,18 19:17 other posts 
Koko, the gorilla that learned sign language, quietly died in her sl,eep on June 19. She was less than 2 weeks shy of being 47 years old at the time of her death.

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By veryshyguy [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 01:20 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 02:58 other posts 
I know an applied linguist and animal communications expert who has spent some time with Koko. Koko's language recognition abilities were amazing. My friend told me that it's only a matter of a million years before great apes evolve to a higher level of cognition.
By #545929 02,Jul,18 10:27
Apparently, Koko the gorilla had a vocabulary in excess of 2,000 words ... which is nearly 2,000 more words than Donald Trump.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 10:38 other posts 
But, was Koko able to Tweet?
By #551482 02,Jul,18 16:46

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 15:46 other posts 
This just made me SMILE!

It is now the second day of July so, yup, it's time for another PIC OF THE MONTH contest. On the SYD side, at this time, there are two participants and the current leader has 2[HOT] votes and some [NOT]. Now on the SYC side, there's 29[HOT] votes for the only participant and absolutely no [NOT] votes.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 13:21 other posts 
What does a blonde achieve when she dyes her hair black?
By #545929 02,Jul,18 14:22
I'm guessing about 100 IQ points
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 14:33 other posts 
You Almost got it.
The correct answer is "artificial intelligence".
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 14:34 other posts 
You see, even the IQ points are fake, artificial.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 14:39 other posts 
And know the next question (bear in mind that it's very difficult to be funny without being non-pc.)

In a recent convention of the American Astrophysics Society it was decided that the term "black hole" (the ultimate fate of a star collapsing under its own gravitational fo.rce into a very small massive blob that taps everything, mass, light and even time itself) is offensive. After days of deliberations, a new term has now been agreed upon. What is it?
By #460385 02,Jul,18 14:42
Glory Hole
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 14:46 other posts 
No. That's offensive.

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