Polls created by member xsd4547

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Helenas tits on the Left vs Princesslynne's tits on the Right

Wich one has the better dick?

Gf Tit Fight volume 4, "current gf" (left) vs "ex gf" (right)

Vivian7 tits (female member from here) vs my ex gf tits

Vivian7 tits vs Ex gf vs Current gf tits

Gf Tit Fight Volume 3, "curent gf" (left) vs "ex gf" (right)

Gf Tit Fight Volume 2, "curent gf" (left) vs "ex gf" (right)

gf tit fight volume1 current (left) vs ex (right)

Ex gf on the left vs Current on the left. Wich one is hotter

Wich on has the hotter tits? Left or Right

Wich chest looks more like a guys? Left or Right

Does she needs implants?