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cut or uncut in the wrong area

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #153287 [Ignore] 23,Apr,11 11:41
The question is if you were cut in an uncut community or uncut in a cut community. Wondering if you show proud to make everyone know what they are missing or if you hide wishing you were like everyone else.
Discuss if you were laughed at or if people were jealous.

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By #150240 29,Apr,11 07:20
I am unfortunately cut.... Why is it that when a women is circumsized, It is a crime against humanity but It is a common practice to mutilate little baby boys are at birth, with no choice of their own, and no anithsthetic?
By slipper [Ignore] 24,Jul,11 15:22 other posts 
Since it is a religious thing for soooooo many, that makes it "okay" to cut boys.

By #157516 29,Apr,11 06:30
the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks and expense
By slipper [Ignore] 24,Jul,11 15:21 other posts 
In YOUR opinion... I'm guessing you have never, as an adult, experienced the incredible sensations of an intact 4skin!

By slipper [Ignore] 24,Apr,11 02:10 other posts 
Outside my family, I was the only uncut I saw in 4 years of P.E. classes. Once in the shower a pair of guys came up and asked what was "wrong" with my dick. As I described in overly graphic detail ( ) what had been done to THEIRS, they turned a sheepish green and slunk away. No one ever commented about my uncut cock again!

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