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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 23:57 other posts 
This is a message from the joint Chiefs on us Capitol riot.
January 12, 2021.

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"On January 20, 2021, in accordance with the Constitution, confirmed by the states and the courts, and certified by Congress, President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief."
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Jan,21 11:42 other posts 
So the grumpy baby (Trump) only has a few days to nuke someone, maybe his own country, before they take all toys away from him. They've already taken away many of his toys. Note they'll take away more. And they should. Spoiled toddlers like him shouldn't be given toys. They should be kept sedated so that they don't bark.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jan,21 14:13 other posts 
There are some nukes near you,so he may be reading this with his finger quivering over the button.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Jan,21 15:33 other posts 
Everything is possible. The guy is a deranged pathetic narcissistic psychopath who has become the whole world's ridicule, from Iran to Germany, Japan to Australia and beyond.
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Jan,21 16:35 other posts 
There will be no nuking. Anybody in the arm services may refuse an illegal order from a superior and this order would be refused.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 08:49 other posts 
A likely act, according to Bruce Ackerman:

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Only a coward would do that but he might do it.
But, still, he won't be immune.
And then, who will save him? Putin?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 11:03 other posts 
I hope he pardons the folks that went into the capitol.that would really salt the democrats.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 13:25 other posts 
He's pardoned private security employees who've killed unarmed Iraqi civilians, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he did.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 17:58 other posts 
Phart, are you saying that you hope the Trump pardons the terrorist who murdered a Capitol police officer with a fire extinguisher? Really?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 19:13 other posts 
with all the guns that were there,had the person wanted to kill that officer,I doubt they would have used a exstinguisher.And frankly,a 14 year air force veteran standing there unarmed taking a bullet from a capitol policeman to the gut is nothing to forget about either.Who knows ,may have been the same officer because they have not shown him or his name to the public?
May have actually been in defense of that poor woman.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 19:26 other posts 
That doesn't answer my question.

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I have no sympathy for any of those terrorists. That 'poor woman standing there' was part of a riot trying to kill the vice president amongst others, "Hang Mike Pence!". The reason she was shot was because the Capitol police were trying to protect the elected people of the Senate and the House from terrorists. The fact that she is a veteran is relevant only in that she should have been protecting America not destroying it in a riot.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 21:44 other posts 
Being Part of a riot is not a reason to be shot.Just ask BLM and ANTIFA.
There goes that double standard again.
There were plenty of armed people there,that might have some what justified the killing had she been holding a AK or something but her hands were empty,she was NO HARM to anyone.Perhaps She was in the wrong place,it is to a point we have to agree on that although I think that idea should be changed.It is the peoples building,the people in it were not listening to the people outside of it.
FIx that and there won't be a next time.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 13:56 other posts 
I think it would be risky to plan on a self pardon for Trump. If he "pardons" himself and it ends up in court it may not stick. The US Supreme Court may say that a President can not pardon himself. If that happens all is lost.
As I've said before, the Mike Pence presidency is also risky. The scenario is that Trump resigns and Pence pardons him. What if Pence has political asperations and decides that pardoning Trump doesn't fit with that vision? Pence could refuse to pardon Trump and all is lost for Trump.
If Trump pardons the terrorists, Pence will never pardon Trump. He couldn't do that and hope for a future in politics.
The irony of Pence pardoning Trump after Trump pardons the terrorists who stormed the Capitol chanting "Hang Mike Pence!" will be lost on no one.
I see no path for Trump to save face (or his ass) on this.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 21:48 other posts 
Well why hasn't the pardon for the blackwater folks been challenged in court? Must be a fairly solid thing.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 22:10 other posts 
It won’t be. It’s a presidential pardon.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jan,21 14:11 other posts 
So if Trump Pardons himself,it can't go to court either because it to,would be a presidential pardon.
I just read a man from Georgia took his own life that was arrested for being in the capitol building. Sad,yet another death because of the bastards in that building not listening to the 1's outside it.
By just16cm [Ignore] 13,Jan,21 14:26 other posts 
They listened to the people outside the building... but the majority of them voted for Biden...

By zzick [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 21:02 other posts 
I am one of the lizard people, and we love liz cheney !!

By #629627 11,Jan,21 21:53
Happy New Year everyone. Except the **** boys. They can wallow in the victory for democracy.
Who thinks that trump voters should concentrate on dying from covid in swing states? Now 350,000 of them are dead it will have an impact at the next election. Theres got to be at least twice that number will die before Biden can sort of the fat cry baby losers mess and vaccinate everyone. About 15,000 per state.
How does everyone suggest that trump voters concentrate on infecting each other more in the states that matter?
Everyone keep pushing vaccine conspracy theories. The vaccine will turn you into a fat orange cry baby loser idiot.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 20:45 other posts 
Well well well the blow hard is back and on a forum thread for blow hards you can take your vaccinations and shoot them up your ass I’m not taking it and they can’t make me I’m not spending the rest of my life hiding under the covers from a little virus 🦠 I’m convinced I don’t get it I have done absolutely nothing to prevent me from getting it yet here I stand as healthy as an ox 🐂 you Democrats can hide if you want not me

By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Jan,21 14:22 other posts 
I find it amazing to see that followers of trump will keep viewing him as god even after all the damage he's done, the apotheosis being the insurrection last week against their government.

But I'm not surprised. That's what a religion is about.
Take, for instance, the catholic church. They've been r@ping thousands of children for decades and yet many of these children (now adults) or their relatives are still members of the church.

Such is the religious disease of the human brain. It makes people's brains ignore pain, torture, death, and keeps them believing in the absurd. This disease is really very prominent in the US where millions upon millions of people need a kind of religion, any religion, despite the fact that US is a secular country--supposedly. Trump has taken advantage of this disease in order to instill blind faith in people's brains. He has been particularly successful among the religionist masses, that is, those whose brain was already sick.

By the way, this disease is also spreading among other countries too, like Russia. Too many deluded individuals. Even Putin, who used to be against religion. He just decided to adopt religion in order to control the ones whose brain is vulnerable to this sickness.

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 07,Jan,21 01:01 other posts 
Dear President Trump,
I want to take a minute to say thank you. Regardless of the outcome of this election, you deserve my gratitude. Thank you for not plunging the US into another war. Thank you for walking through HELL and back for the American people. Thank you for doing it for free. Thank you for working through the night while my family was tucked safely in bed. Thank you for standing strong and staring adversity in the face. Thank you for keeping GOD in the country I love. Thank you for not backing down when the weight of the world was against you. Thank you for putting your family in the line of fire when you didn’t have to. Thank you for standing up for women. Thank you for not being a politician. Thank you for being raw and even sometimes too much. Thank you for standing up for the unborn. Thank you for caring about the little guy. Thank you for working harder than any president in my lifetime, ever has. Thank you for your service to this country. You were part of some of the greatest days of my life. Thank you. Win or lose I am a fan. You have fulfilled every promise you have made to me and for that I am thankful. May GOD always bless you and your family.
From a grateful nation,
Thank you! 🇺🇸
By #551147 07,Jan,21 03:19

Well stated! But, there are far too many ignoramuses around here that will disagree with ALL that. Many foreigners who don't know their asshole from their lips and several American nut-jobs. Just ignore them, most will get what they deserve from the falling of this once great Republic.
By #551147 08,Jan,21 00:38
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 02:29 other posts 
Amen, brother Rob, AMEN!

Something else that I would like to add, thank you President Trump, for exposing just how corrupt our politicians and our government really are.
By #551147 08,Jan,21 14:56
EXCELLENT addition Bella!! 👏👏

Personally, I'm happy that I was red pilled and waken even MORE from ignorant bliss. As I stated some time ago. The corruption and depth of the swamp is so enormous, it's hard to wrap ones mind around. It's my opinion, that it's even deeper than Donald Trump EVER suspected or imagined.

We're in trouble...

I will say that I'm happy that I live in a primarily red state and more specifically red city and county. That will help minimize some things. But the changes they have planned are going to irreparably harm us on a National level.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 05:40 other posts 
Very nice my friend I agree hole heartedly this year really opened up my eyes to how the Democrats are and the ones in my area should be scared because I know who they are
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 06:33 other posts 
AWOMEN brothers!
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 15:20 other posts 
What an inane post.
By #551147 08,Jan,21 19:36
🙄 Indeed!
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 09,Jan,21 05:08 other posts 
Means nothing to me but seems to have pissed people off
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jan,21 09:06 other posts 
Exactly what do you mean, "means nothing to me"? Are you asserting that when you posted "AWOMAN brothers" that it had no meaning or it meant nothing to you?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 15:25 other posts 
Amen, "so be it"
Awomen,meaningless jibberish.
You would think people in the nations capitol would be educated enough to know that Amen has nothing to do with male.
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I honestly wish I had been able to go to Washington myself. I don't know that I would have went thru the doors or not.I feel like being on the steps and being seen and possiably heard by the Sumbitches that want to distroy our country should be enough.
By sherryann [Ignore] 08,Jan,21 14:35 other posts 
This is the best post I have ever read on this site! Thank you creative one! Beautifully said and oh so true...good for you!
By #610414 09,Jan,21 18:54
Six months from now, Trump will be a has been. You people are delusional. If after all that has happened because of Trump doesn't make you think, nothing in this world will change your minds. I wonder what you think about Hitler. I for one, hope to see him in prison after his reign is over. For whatever reason. And I hope he gets impeached and convicted so he can't run again
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 07:59 other posts 
I don’t think we want to hear any crap from you guys I gave you guys a chance to come to my blog to openly fight for what you believe in and you kebmo anal2licker mobydick bannon and a few I may have forgot came to look but said nothing so I think we determined who the Democrats are that are all talk and no action the only 2 Democrats that came to fight were gentlemen and nekal and I respect them for that the republicans that showed up to back me was phart and scorps and I respect them to so you guys that are just running your mouth can save it for some one who cares
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 08:13 other posts 
Dgraff, the reason I didn’t comment is not related to my political views.

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Please don’t presume that you have the authority to decide what I say and where I say it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 08:43 other posts 
It’s ok kebmo my blog was just a test to see who the real die hards were and we now see who means what they say and who just blows smoke 💨
By #610414 10,Jan,21 13:20
I didn’t even get to see your blog.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 16:08 other posts 
You did to see my blog your name was in my page views you were just reluctant to say anything at that moment
By #610414 10,Jan,21 17:24
So I stopped?
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 17:34 other posts 
So did kebmo bannon and all the other die hard Democrats you all stopped by and watched nekal and gentlemen take all the heat not one of you guys would help them that’s why I call this forum thread the blow hard thread every one flaps their gums but no one is willing to fight for there beliefs
By #610414 10,Jan,21 18:10
Tell you what, repost and I'll comment
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 19:00 other posts 
Dgraff, I thought I already made it clear to you that you don't have the right to decide what I say and where I say it.
I choose my battles. Please don't make me choose this one because I'd rather get along with you than discuss politics with you. That is why I didn't comment on your blog. There are many times that I chose not to comment on things posted by other members for exactly this reason.
Bottom line: I don't want to fight with you. OK?
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 22:17 other posts 
That’s fair kebmo I don’t want to fight with you either I like you as a person but you talk very badly about America and some times I feel like it’s a personal attack I’ve never said one bad thing about Canada I respect the Canadian people I could spend my life there fishing and hunting it’s beautiful country all though I think I would be in the Yukon panning for gold
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Jan,21 00:58 other posts 
To be clear dgraff, this thread is called "All Trump and only Trump" It's not for everyone and I hoped to make that clear in the intro at the top of this page.
I have no problem with America or Americans in general. I worked in Banff and Niagara Falls for a combined 20 years so I've met thousands of Americans. My problem is with Trump and his associates.
What happens in America affects Canada greatly, our stock market, the price of the oil that runs the province I live in, what I watch on TV and the conversations I have with my family who generally support Trump. I have to tip toe around my family because I don't want to alienate the people I love because of politics so I do my bitching here.
My conversations here are not personal attacks on members with the exception of a couple of them who go out of their way to be assholes. I don't like assholes.
This is not personal. I think if you pick a random page here and check my comments you'll see that I don't degrade your country or countrymen. That's not who I am or how I feel.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 15:28 other posts 
Let the 2 warms of the world talk,as long as they don't block our abilty to talk. We can't complain about all the censorship taking place in the media at the moment,then ask people like her to hush.That would not be right.
You did read that Parlor is loosing it's servers,owned by Amazon? Censorship,if they can't get on the web,you can't talk.
So let them speak.Sometimes Kembo shares a side of the story I can make sense of,doesn't mean I run out and chase butter flys with a whole new vison but,still,civilized discussion between ALL OF US here in the US is nessasary for any thing to improve.
By #610414 10,Jan,21 17:32
Far be it from me to stop you from giving us your opinion. You are entitled to it. It's also my right to opine on those views when I see that you are wrong. Either by the conclusion or by the lack of facts. Civilization didn't let Julius Caesar say "I came, I liked the view, so I stayed. That's why he said, "Veni, vidi, vici". I'll let you translate that.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 17:36 other posts 
Are you blowing smoke up our ass again
By #610414 10,Jan,21 18:07
It would take a forest fire
By #610414 11,Jan,21 11:21
dgraff I choose the location of my fights
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Jan,21 12:28 other posts 
Not me I’m an any were any time kinda guy me and my baby brother used to be hell for trashing biker bars but together we could clean house though
By #610414 11,Jan,21 13:33
Great. I'm sure that can be put in your curriculum vitae. It surprises me all the things you are proud off.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Jan,21 14:23 other posts 
Of not off
By #202354 10,Jan,21 16:10
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 20:20 other posts 
Trump has created a religion with many followers.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jan,21 22:04 other posts 
Well,I guess the Constitution is our Bible and the Bill of Rights is our Commandments.
Go have your evening Tea with Huxley and enjoy your life accross the pond.
By #610414 11,Jan,21 11:40
creativeone. You are a creative one for sure.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Jan,21 15:07 other posts 
Trump could not give a shit about god. He only uses god to get votes from religious freaks.
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Jan,21 15:09 other posts 
Leo I strongly agree with that statement.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Jan,21 16:07 other posts 
Thanks. But let me stress it's not a statement. It's a FACT. Trump has never been in a church, he doesn't know what the bible contains. I actually don't care. I'd rather see all people acting as humans and not motivated by religion. However, if someone PRETENDS to be religious in order that he gets sympathy from religious ones (and votes) then he's a con man.

What amazes me is the ease with which religious folk (the majority in theocratic US) fall for a lie like Trump holding a bible. Can't they see that he doesn't give a shit about it? All they have to do is that he doesn't even know anything about their religion. The only evidence they have is trump holding a bible (perhaps upside down).

Mitt Romney, for instance, appears to be an honest devout mormon (hence deluded) but, at least, he believes in that shit. Trump doesn't. He believes in nothing except his own skin.

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