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Should Racist Slurs Be Allowed Here?

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By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 19,Nov,22 20:17   Pageviews: 715

Should serious racist slurs be allowed here? What should happen to members who use the likes of the "N" word???

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By UpNorth77 [Ignore] 24,Mar,24 20:25
No, unless you have been asked to sing Straight Outta Compton, then you don't have a choice. But no you should not be allowed to use racist slurs here, or anywhere.

By Cruzxxx [Ignore] 03,Feb,24 00:28
I listen to a lot of Hip Hop from 90s.. I’m confused

By spongeknob [Ignore] 15,Sep,23 14:47
Never , not anywhere

By LouBalls [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 20:37
No, unacceptable, regardless, who ever should be banned gtom ste

By #677384 [Ignore] 15,Mar,23 20:28
NO, however, I don't believe in censoring anyone's right to free speech. Myself, I don't come here to hate, only to enjoy other's company and sexy naked bodies. I never allow any of my valuable time or attention to negative or derogatory behavior. Life is way too fkn short.

By dura2000 [Ignore] 29,Jan,23 04:39
Racist slurs should never be tolerated on any site, and yes one strike and you’re out.

By braindead [Ignore] 28,Dec,22 19:00
I grew up on the west coast. In the 70's. Few Crackers where I grew up. mostly Latino, and Asian, some Black. It wasnt until I join the military to learn true racism. And yes I did see people get promoted because of their skin tone. All skin tones. Good, bad. Just go with it. Humans will always find a reason to hate. We are here to cleanse the earth of if its oil. once the oils gone, Humans will follow. Planet rest.

By spongeknob [Ignore] 05,Dec,22 15:35
Racism is born of ignorance , we are all the same species and should act accordingly

By #672214 [Ignore] 30,Nov,22 17:01
Not underANY circumstance. Racism is outlawed in most of the civilised world and therefore it should be absent here too!
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 01,Dec,22 14:34
Of course it is....but not the land of the free, free speech, its in their constitution,

That POS Bella called me an "Abo Princess" (Abo = nigger in Australia) because I'm brown and live in Australia. I'm Asian and not even an Australian citizen ffs. It's 100% racial hatred and racial vilification, I can't think of any other websites that this would not result in an instant banning!!!!

By #677519 [Ignore] 27,Nov,22 04:48
If consent & agreed for play only - maybe? Otherwise NO.

By #673748 [Ignore] 23,Nov,22 00:29
I mean raceplay is a real thing but definitely need to have full consent and not just call someone that!

By Makxx [Ignore] 23,Nov,22 00:20
On the vast majority of sites this would not be tolerated. Why it is here I have NO idea. And to go further, there are laws that prohibit such language and ideas. So.... go figure about this site.

By saucyman [Ignore] 22,Nov,22 14:38
Simple answer is no. Offence is one thing, it can be taken but not given. Abuse is another thing though and unacceptable.

By dhood [Ignore] 19,Nov,22 23:09
I complained about some members being abusive to me and others on this site and was told that members can say whatever they want, and I should just block them. For a member to be removed, there has to be a large number of complaints about their behavior. Racist slurs as well as other abusive comments should not be allowed but I fear the administrators will not prevent them. Just block Bella and move on.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 19,Nov,22 23:57
She is blocked but is posting racial hatred in her forum's here.
By dhood [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 08:28
I understand how upset and angry a person like that can make you. I know my nemesis tries to get others to attack me. All we can do is rise above and don't give her the attention she craves.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 13:47
How do you rise above being racially vilified?
By dhood [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 16:35
All I'm saying is don't let her live inside your head. I agree that people like that should be removed from SYD but the administrators are reluctant to take action. I will block her.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 22,Nov,22 00:57
No I'm not worried at all.....it says a lot more about her than it does about me.
By dhood [Ignore] 22,Nov,22 10:41

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 21:46
There just jealous because were having all the fun and there not. There away one or more in every crowd. They us to bug me but now I just laugh at there poor pathetic life's.

By oscar17 [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 09:02
Unfortunately racism and judgement are human instincts, used by people who lack the intellect and wit and confidence to mount a better argument. She is obviously jealous, probably a bully and maybe not even a real person, this is the internet after all. Posting comments on platforms seems to give people a freedom previously not available, along with a degree of anonymity. You however just by sharing your question prove your on another level. It’s a brave question to ask. Just keep being you and please don’t leave because you give a lot of pleasure to a lot of people, leave the racist fools behind where they belong.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 21,Nov,22 17:06
I don't understand why she has not been kicked out.......I can't imagine using the N word in a very aggressive manner and being allowed to stay here. She seems very powerful here and is immune to the rules that apply to others. She couldn't have been any more inappropriate, aggressive and outright racist!!!!

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By Paktax [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 02:57
No racist slurs should be tolerated, report it to admins and they should be banned.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 16:08
Have reported and she is still here!!!!!
By Paktax [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 16:27
Hopefully she will be removed soon.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 12:47
They should be thrown out.
However, the policy of this site is:

If someone is a paying member they're allowed to do many things, including racism, hatred, intimidation, trolling, stalking, verbal abuse, posting fake pics, and more.

You can't contest that. Nothing will happen.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 13:46
That can not be right......no way you can be racially vilified in any way and get away with it!!!! How can that be allowed in any way these days??
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 15:41
Of course it's not right.
But these are the rules and practices of this site.
If you're paying you're immune of almost everything.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 15:41
Not my rules.
I disagree with them.

By Hornycock63 [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 15:36
There is no need to be racist in any walk of life. If a person is racist it should be a time ban for 1st offence and possibly 2nd but 3 strikes and you are out. If a person is of an ethnic origin you dont like then move on. However there is no excuse for being racist in any circumstance

By Smallguy46 [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 07:19
I think it should be sensed the 1st time ban a month them after life ban.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 13:48
Yes that actually a very very good idea.

By #590784 [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 10:48
They should definitely be banned, everywhere not just here. There's no place for racism, no place at all. ❤️ Love to everyone, especially anyone who has had to deal with any of this backwards shit!

By #628350 [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 07:38
instant ban

By #593503 [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 06:36
They should be banned/removed.
I'm here to look at men and women's buns, not spread hatred.

By curvy8 [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 04:59
it does seem very inappropriate from what you say
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 06:13
Highly inappropriate!!!!!!!

By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 04:13
Think, if you were admin how do you combat racial slurs? Do we really need to censor ethical crap. I have had the 'N' word used towards me, and that person will know who they are when they read on. I get it that racial slurs are not nice and are meant to be derogatory. Maybe we should just relax a little.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 06:12
I'd delete that nasty bitch!!!! Its racial hatred and vilification....its against the law for good reason.

By willylee [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 00:47
No racial or obviously offensive words should be used used in these forums, and it is something that really should be unsaid.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 02:00
Being offended is a little subjective....outright racial vilification is not!!!!
By willylee [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 03:44
Yes I agree. But the second word in the above is "racial", and it's totally unacceptable for any racial slur to be used against another person.
I completely empathise with you and understand that you would be extremely pissed after being called that. Hopefully, this will reinforce that any racial abuse is unacceptable.

By smallgamer [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 01:57
Let us say NO to any kind of racism here and in the world!

By Esteb [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 00:16
Racist comments should result in getting the arse off the site, or at least a temporary ban.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 00:29
Fully agree!!

By lillboybell [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 00:23

By nekekal [Ignore] 19,Nov,22 20:40
Racists should be removed. There is no place for any derogatory labels here. Ok, we are a bit sexist. Most guys admire women as sex objects. Something to provide sexual stimulation to their bodies. But it should be without regard to race or relgion.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 19,Nov,22 20:47
Bella called me a an Abo.....that's the equivalent to the "N" word in Australia!!!! She is a racist old dog!!!!!
By #679736 [Ignore] 19,Nov,22 21:50
None of that. i've admired you for a long time, and I can say with absolute confidence that you are perfect as you are in every way.
By nekekal [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 00:19
Absolutely disgusting.

But not much that you can do about it. Sorry.

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