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Eve's Erotic Imagination

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By slim44 [Ignore] 15,Feb,24 00:11   Pageviews: 96

Above is a more detailed view (sans stockings) of the artwork modeled and rendered by my wife Eve. Her goal was to create a female pose that SHE believed would be most attractive/arousing for ME. So this is purely Eve's imagination. As I wrote in the previous post, she came very close to my fondest erotic fantasies. I love that she got things "correct" down to the smallest details: the deep back arch, the muscular leg, the elegantly arched foot and pointed toes. The wide shot of this pose is here:

Let me know if you find this pose attractive and if yes - why!

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By Nubie [Ignore] 15,Feb,24 12:46
Absolutely stunning--athletic, erotic and elegant

By 4438cr [Ignore] 15,Feb,24 00:29
Yes yes yes yes! Beautiful proportions of her body very erotic!!!!

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