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How do you keep your hands off of these gorgeous cocks?

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By fozzieberra [Ignore] 01,Apr,21 14:57   Pageviews: 186

Seriously if I had a cock like this:

Or this one:

Or maybe this one:

Or something like this:

Or this beauty:

Or something like this:

I couldn't have a hobby or a life or anything because I'd be playing with it constantly!

I can barely keep my hands off of my more modest member.

I'd be hopeless with:

Or even:

How can you hold down a job when all you want to do is stroke:

Or suck:

Or fuck:

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By #668890 [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 15:53
sooooo many hot cocks (of all sizes) but so little time

By cfan2 [Ignore] 23,Jul,22 13:03
Just accept cock as our god!

By uncut1944 [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 11:01
Not a bad cock yourself, I'd enjoy taking care of it for you anytime

By #627107 [Ignore] 02,Apr,21 07:28
I know what you mean, I like what I have. But the struggle is real! lol
How do I keep my hands off of cocks like this?

or like this?

and this

I feel your struggle. hehehe
great blog topic!

By cruz69696969 [Ignore] 02,Apr,21 05:01
how about it

By #634216 [Ignore] 01,Apr,21 16:33
All delicious!! Yours included!

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