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In the off chance you always see me online

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By Dick-tator [Ignore] 28,Dec,18 17:07   Pageviews: 53

I may be connected constantly but i'm not always here and available..yes,i do have a life but feel free to send me a message,comment or whatever else you feel like and i will respond when i can..thanks

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By Leilani [Ignore] 13,Mar,21 03:01
I totally relate to that 'n understand because I'm really busy. Every day, all day. I wish there were 3 of me, no, 5 of me so I could get everything done.
By Dick-tator [Ignore] 13,Mar,21 03:03
Well if you can figure out how to make five of you please let me know cuz I can use a few extra me's

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