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By TallDominantOne [Ignore] 14,Sep,15 21:14   Pageviews: 109

Since I am a 6'8" dominant, people sometimes get the wrong impression. I may be flirtatious, but I am a stickler for consent. There is only so far I am interested without talking to the person of interest. I am a dominant, but I am not a bully or a rapist. I literally lose all interest if my partner is not VERY into it. My wife is the same. I ALWAYS need explicit and implicit consent, and I will not play into **** fantasies without extensive time to know the person is into it.

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By Fucktoy [Ignore] 06,Mar,24 10:14
You sound like a very nice guy who likes to play. I'm sure you would enjoy my fucktoy. I know she would enjoy you 😈
By TallDominantOne [Ignore] 13,Mar,24 09:25
She is so sexy. She would definitely be fun.

By #485312 [Ignore] 16,Sep,15 01:45
lm sure you get plenty of consent, being so tall and handsome, you fit the bill totally *lix*
By TallDominantOne [Ignore] 16,Sep,15 12:35
Thank you! It is just that I watch so many "dominant men" being such petty assholes when that is not what I am about. Bullying is for the weak, but dominance is fun.

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