BigBlackDaddy's answers to questions of the day

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Are you larger than average? (penis or boobs)? YES

Do you prefer a dick that is shaved (yes) or hair (no)? YES

If you saw a pic of someone on this site that you know (friend, neighbour, work colleague, family member etc.), would you mention anything about it to them? YES

Do you like sucking/licking cocks/pussy with a light smell, not too strong, but not freshly washed? NO

Do you like the idea of waking up to someone giving you oral? YES

Would you secretly agree to a gay, bi, trans, single or multiple partner act. If no one else would ever know? NO

Would you masterbate with one of your close friends? YES

Have you ever masterbated with friends as an adult? NO

Guys, do you like to have your nips stroked, kissed, licked, bitten? YES

Have you ever made a video of you masturbating and shared it and would you do it again? YES

Have you ever drink your partner pee ? NO