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Does your family/friend know you're at syd?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #4650 [Ignore] 21,Aug,10 07:44
-yes,what do they think of it?
-no,what would happen if they knew it?

me?nobody knows.if they knew it,they would think im really bad,lewt,etc.and also i'd never ready to show my thing to them.hahah

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By #92257 09,Oct,10 14:41
I made the announcement at my great aunts funeral, and everyone gasped and thought it was inappropriate, my 91 yr old grandma actually fainted and my 6 yr old nephew had an asthma attack. Well as for the pastor, he rebuked me, and started speaking in strange tongues, I'm not sure, but I think he was revealing the secret recipe to his homemade vanilla ice cream. Anyway, I saw my dear old arthritic parents sneaking out on their hands and knees(actually they were being dragged out by my panic-stricken brother in his motorized wheelchair) and I'm pretty certain that there was an old lady grabbing at her chest and frantically fumbling through her purse for her heart medication. Oh! I almost forgot, my perverted old Uncle Luther(not really my uncle, just one of my pops old Korean War drinking buddies)gave me two thumbs up and a high five. I guess my family wasn't as psyched about seeing my cock as I thought they would be. My bad.
By #23212 09,Oct,10 16:43
Ah, err,... it seems like 'Uncle Luther' 'got to you' a while ago.
By #92257 09,Oct,10 19:51
I think uncle luther tried getting to everybody.
By #23212 09,Oct,10 20:40
Will you be invited to his funeral also?

By Walker [Ignore] 02,Oct,10 11:58 other posts 
Family maybe, wife has seen the site by accident - oops didn't clear the ipad before she grabbed it.

Wife took the ipad on a girls weekend. I cleared the history but didn't clear safari google search. Her girlfriend had it is the back seat using the 3G. I found several new favorites and comments I didn't make on some pics. I unfortunately left it logged into SYD.

Wife didn't give me crap but her friend did poking at my secret life. She caught her long time 13 years boyfriend cheating on her and discussed his secret life with me, not my wife. I guess she wanted to understand.

By #34386 01,Oct,10 05:02
Nope, most probably freak out, they are very conservative. Guess that make me the family black sheep

By Sharkie [Ignore] 30,Sep,10 07:54 other posts one "dirty little secret" and loving it!

By #99174 29,Sep,10 17:34
My sister walked in the room as I was jacking off to some pics here... She wanted to know what the site's all about, so I showed her. She then asked me to teach her how to deepthroat because her bf wanted it... so i did!
By #102374 29,Sep,10 22:53
did she swallow?

By #7976 29,Sep,10 19:56
My wife knows but otherwise, it's no one's business. If someone I know finds the site and figures it out, that's OK. Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

By #82616 23,Aug,10 10:26
Nope its my own little world here and that's the way i like it

By Olddude [Ignore] 21,Aug,10 18:13 other posts 
Nope! This is a private thing for most all here. I am just glad there is a site like this where you can express yourself and show what you have as you so desire!

By #59855 21,Aug,10 18:06
From Matt's Wife: No way, I love the privacy on here, yet we get to show off

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