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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 03:10  other posts
Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Feb,24 13:42 other posts 
Funny, how Tucker Carlson explained why he didn't ask Putin, about killing all his rivals, with 'Leaders Have To Kill People'.
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And now he says: ‘No decent person would defend’ what happened to Navalny.
True, no decent person defended Putin, but Tucker did, no more than days before.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,24 15:26 other posts 
Well, I have watched some of that interview and I really don't think much was gained by anybody.
BUT I will say this. To those that don't think Carlson did a good enough job, Please let me know when YOU ,the whiners and critics are going to schedule a interview with Putin and I might want to have you ask him a couple questions for me.

How many in this forum would have took the time,or been brave enough, to sit down with Putin?
Before ukraine I might have, just to try to understand the man.but not now,I don't think I could. what he is doing may make sense on paper to put the union back together and prevent the spread of Nazism but to many innocent people have died on both sides.

If you have a enemy, take out the enemy and the few that support them,not the entire population.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Feb,24 16:08 other posts 
All the media that you hate so much asks Putin for interviews all the time.
Putin just doesn't want to do interviews with them, because they don't tickle his nuts
and suck his cock like Tucker did.

I do think it's unfair to Tucker for Putin to kill Navalny right after.
After he did so much for him. Like he wanted to put down Tucker.

He was so enthusiastic about Russia having a clean subway (which all of Europe has) and supermarket carts with coins in them (which all of Europe has) and prices in supermarkets that are so much lower than in America, but still unaffordable for Russians making $14,771/year on average.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Feb,24 11:46 other posts 
Republicans are still using 'Democrat' instead of 'Democratic' as the correct adjective.
So, I fully support the Democratic politicians using the adjective 'Banana Republican',
until Republicans stopt their use of 'Democrat' as adjective.
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By #610414 17,Feb,24 11:07
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 03:26 other posts 
Believe you are mistaken socialist Ananas2xLekker, the libtards have us living in a banana republic with crooked joe as a so called leader.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 15:54 other posts 
Do you know any other arguments, besides calling me a socialist
and just lazy flipping of the argument.
Can you think of something new and original?
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 07:51 other posts 
isn't it the democrat party?
Don't the candidates run as democrats?
i have not saw any use of the word that was a problem.
Democratic, would be in reference to the process would it not?
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 02:20 other posts 
No, it isn't, it's the DemocratIC party and the RepublicAN party.
Those are called adjectives.
Well, that 1 vs 1 in correcting each other's English.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,24 15:22 other posts 

Ok you got me there!

BUT I think I will continue to use the democrat party because it fits my feelings about the group in general.

"The real reason 'Democrat Party' is wrong is not because it's ungrammatical, but because it's incorrect in another way—the party is simply not named the Democrat Party, but the Democratic Party. Calling it anything else is discourteous"

I don't have any use for 99% of the democrats.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 10:31 other posts 
The Republican's investigations into the 2020 election finally paid off.
They found 4000 votes that were miscounted:
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By #610414 03,Feb,24 17:26
For shame.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,24 05:36 other posts 
Those 4000 votes were stolen from Biden, by the way.
They don't have any shame. They just hid the fact and continued to lie.
By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Feb,24 00:43 other posts 
Come on man as your precious one says, you leave out all the ballot fraud committed by the democraps. Remember Wanda? only registered users can see external links
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Feb,24 09:13 other posts 
That was in a mayoral election. We are talking about the general election.
She has not been found guilty yet, by the way.

Meanwhile, the wife of a north-western Iowa county supervisor was convicted on Tuesday of a scheme to stuff the ballot box in her husband’s unsuccessful race
for a Republican nomination to run for Congress in 2020.
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List of Republicans committing voter fraud continues to grow
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By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Feb,24 01:40 other posts 
Guilty of one then could be guilty of another. Guess you know of craig the ballot stuffer. Oh yes, he is a democrap too.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Feb,24 02:50 other posts 
Instead of going through them individually, here's the whole list:
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The political affiliations are known for 165 defendants:
38.2% of those convicted were Democrats,
42.4% were Republicans, while the remainder were Independent,
nonpartisan, or unaffiliated.

By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Feb,24 03:31 other posts 
You just made a point for me. Independent, nonpartisan or unaffiliated are usually libtard voters mostly. You may be surprised this year though.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Feb,24 07:48 other posts 
I am unaffiliated and I do NOT vote liberal. I registered that way to try to stave off all the political phone calls and such. Still have been getting a slew of junk mail lately. The mail lady actually joked yesterday, "here's you some fire starting material for the shop"
a stack of shit telling me which 1 to vote for this position and that. you would think they would use the internet more for info than that.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Feb,24 09:21 other posts 
‘Conspiracy theorist’ accused of killing father was furious dad got vaccinated.
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Not long before, some deranged conspiracy theorist killed his father in Pennsylvania.
He showed his father's decapitated head on YouTube.

That's what you get from all that anti-vax propaganda.
It starts with 'I'm just asking questions', and then giving false answers
and it ends in people killing their own family.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 31,Jan,24 09:44 other posts 
Here is Senator Sheldon Whitehouse explaining in detail how big oil and other
corporate interests are diverting unlimited amounts of dark money to fund propaganda
to help the big polluters keep making their money, while Americans get poisoned.
He shows the rank corruption that the Republican party is engaged in.

That corruption only favors the current industry that is fighting against their inevitable replacement. They are fighting against innovation. Innovation isn't an obstacle to the growth of your economy. Without innovation, American cars and other products would only be sold in America and nowhere else. Regulation forces innovation and innovation keeps you competitive.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Feb,24 03:26 other posts 
Who cares, I will not be pushed into an undependable EV ( Also where are you supposed to charge them ). I will stick with my gasoline powered engine. Thanks anyway.

I have never even seen an EV charging station!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Feb,24 04:06 other posts 
Why do you think this is just about EV's?
Lots of people in Texas ar breathing toxic air from fracking.
That is for natural gas, of which 40% is used for electricity.
Solar panels and wind turbines don't make your air toxic.

Innovation doesn't even have to stop fossil fuels, but just
make fossil fuel companies pollute your air and water less.
They are fucking you over, for a bit more profit.

I don't want YOU to get cancer, because of Europe's higher demand.

Don't you even care about the air you breath yourself?

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 10:16 other posts 
Jon Stewart nailing it:
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 10:11 other posts 
I'm sure this is all very woke, but how is he wrong?
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Jan,24 08:59 other posts 
Right-wing commentators don't have any principles or backbone.
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By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Jan,24 17:11 other posts 
What about wrestling commentators and Republican Jessie Ventura are you going to tell him to his face that he has no backbone
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Next you will want to tell Arnold Schwarzenegger he has a little dick
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Jan,24 17:50 other posts 
I meant POLITICAL commentators, and OK, maybe not all of them them.
Jesse Ventura is actually a good example of someone with opinions that differ a lot
from mine, but who I actually trust to be honest and principled.
I consider Arnold to be mostly genuine too. I think he has big balls.

That you are able to provide these examples, does give me a sign
that you understand how awfully fake most of the others are.

Did you actually watch the video or just commented on my comment?
If you watched it, you might understand why I said it.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Jan,24 08:00 other posts 
"Johnson risks same fate as McCarthy with spending deal"
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So they found a guy who is a awful as possible, but as soon as he even tried to do 1%
of what he is supposed to do, the crazy MAGA lunatics want him out again.
They want him to do just one thing; create as much damage to America as possible,
so they can blame it on the Democrats.

If voters weren't as stupid, that wouldn't be a viable strategy....

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 03:33 other posts 
Ron DeSantis’s Wife, Casey, Encouraged Republicans to Commit Voter Fraud in Iowa
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By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 03:53 other posts 
I suppose no libtard has ever done that. Probably on a larger scale is why there is no comparison.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 04:58 other posts 
Indeed, no libtard has ever done that.
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 22:51 other posts 
Indeed that is bullshit.
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Dec,23 22:52 other posts 
Indeed that is bullshit. Libtards have done it for years, including H ROTTEN C.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Dec,23 06:37 other posts 
Did Hillary ask people to vote in another state than where people are registered?
Show me the evidence! If they've done it for years, that should be easy.
By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Dec,23 02:34 other posts 
I really do not fully understand the question. I can legally vote in another state other than my own, but I believe I can only vote once. Now mail in ballots are another form of fraud. Then biden will be voting for himself from the grave.
By #610414 21,Dec,23 22:07
Not so
Even if you own a home in two different states, it is a felony to vote in more than one state in the same election.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Dec,23 23:33 other posts 
I did not say I vote twice. Just said I can legally vote in another state. But hell, felonies to the biden's are nothing. Stop Trump with all legal means necessary and illegal means also.
By #610414 22,Dec,23 08:14
I don’t understand your point about voting.
If you don't understand what was wrong, then why do you even react to it?

Casey DeSantis said: “you do not have to be a resident of Iowa to be able to participate in the caucus”. She was obviously not talking about the general election.

Her remarks collided with Iowa law and caucus rules, which strictly limit participation to legal residents of the state.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Dec,23 02:59 other posts 
This is what happens if you privatize lifeguards:
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Dec,23 05:41 other posts 
George Santos Vows Revenge Against GOP Reps That Voted to Expel Him
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He is outing several of his former colleagues for their corruption.
Didn't I say before that George Santos is doing beautiful damage to the GOP?

He's even threatening to expose a gay-bashing Republican for his hidden homosexuality.

By phart [Ignore] 05,Dec,23 10:06 other posts 
why would anyone give his words any creditability when the whole reason he was expelled is because he lied his way into office??
By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Dec,23 00:36 other posts 
Not to mention that he his a crook. I think that is a requirement for Democrats.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Dec,23 13:10 other posts 
I don't think even the democrats want him.they helped get rid of him
Meanwhile, there was one Democrat who was actually a crook, Sen. Bob Menendez, and the Democrats kicked him out immediately, while the Republicans defended him.
By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Dec,23 23:23 other posts 
You never seen me defend the SOB. Think the Republicans just wanted to see how easy it was to defend a democrat. Menendez was too low on the chain for them to defend him. You need to be President or a relative for the nuts to defend you.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Dec,23 11:10 other posts 
They are correct to defend the president, because the Republicans are constantly lying about finding anything suspicious, while there is nothing.
Speaking of Hunter, he has obviously taken advantage of the credentials of his father, but there is again no evidence at all that his father was involved.
Republicans are lying about that too. James Comer is trying to use the paying back of a loan of $4000 for car payments, in 2018 when Biden was not in office, which is confirmed by bank records and messages, as evidence of corruption.

It's all projection, because they are much more corrupt themselves.
James Comer and his own brother have engaged in multiple land swaps over the years, through family-owned businesses, that do not appear to actually EXIST.
That obviously is some sort of money laundering scheme.
That did all happen while James Comer was in office. How about investigating that?
By #610414 07,Dec,23 11:14
What’s that old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do”?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Dec,23 11:16 other posts 
Every single thing they accuse others of doing,
is an admission of guilt for that exact thing.
By #610414 07,Dec,23 11:27
It’s what guides their thinking. They think everyone is as crooked as them in their lifestyle.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Dec,23 13:04 other posts 
So what you are saying no 1 will never accuse the democrats of being honest?
By #610414 08,Dec,23 07:33
I’ve lived a few years, Phart, and I can tell you that few politicians, Repukers or Dumbocrats, are totally honest. The degree of “honesty” is what makes one individual preferable over another. In general, people are like that. There are less percentage of dishonest people in the general population but it’s there. These days, the want of a politician wanting to do something good for his country, is no longer so. Now it’s “What’s in it for me.”.
In relation to this last, the Repuckers are always looking for “What’s in it for them even if they screw the rest of the country.”. It may be money. It may be power. It may be religious belief. They won’t accept any compromise.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Dec,23 03:38 other posts 
You nailed it CAT, exactly how libtards think.
By #610414 08,Dec,23 07:35
It’s how everyone thinks. The difference is in WHO BENEFITS. Take the previous Clown, what did he do that was for the people and not for himself first? The answer is, “NOTHING”.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Dec,23 03:41 other posts 
Ananas2xLekker, I hope you are not as stupid as you sound. What more proof do you want, you want it on camera of sort. Wow, I have seen libtards defend libtards, but this ridiculous.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Dec,23 14:33 other posts 
More? I haven't seen ANY!

Instead of your insults, PRESENT THAT PROOF!
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,23 14:58 other posts 
Where is the "proof" republicans did anything and why is that "proof" golden where as the "proof" on democrats is all hog wash? Eh?
By #681164 08,Dec,23 19:00
These is a list of tainted politicians. It ciontains some Democrats too.

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We were talking about George Santos and his prosecutor will show the 'proof'.

But here are a few examples:

The corruption of Trump was on every news channel in the world.
At least we could praise the openness of his corruption.
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Just Google 'Texas attorney general Ken Paxton corruption'.

Republican Representative Duncan Hunter has pleaded guilty to conspiring to steal more than $150,000 in campaign funds.

James Comer and his brother engaging in land swaps related to their family farming business. In one deal—also involving $200,000, as well as a shell company—the more powerful and influential Comer channeled extra money to his brother, seemingly from nothing. Other recent land swaps were quickly followed with new applications for special tax breaks, state records show.

Then we have the ridiculous corruption of your Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. All the gifts he got from his wealthy friends are uncovered by Homeland Security, ask them for the evidence. As far as I can find, it is:
- 38 destination vacations (including a yacht voyage around the Bahamas)
- 26 private jet flights (about $130,000 per flight)
- eight helicopter flights
- a dozen VIP passes to costly sporting events
- two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica
- an open invitation to an “uber-exclusive golf club
- Harlan Crow buying the house that Thomas’ mother was renting and then spending tens of thousands of dollars of improvements and likely not charging for rent
- Harlan Crow building one new house on the block and renting it to a local police officer, for protection
- Harlan Crow buying properties that Thomas and his family owned for much more than they were valued
- private boarding school tuition for Thomas’ grandnephew
- his wife Ginni accepting payments from conservative donors
It's nice to have rich friends who 'help' you like that, right?

I'm sure you think that's all fine for Republicans, but if it's a Democrat,
which it much more rarely is, then it would be a problem.
By #610414 14,Dec,23 11:35
Ken Paxton should have his balls cut off and fed to him. How dare he put his political ambitions before the welfare of a pregnant woman.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Dec,23 12:15 other posts 
Are you referring to this?
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Yes, the corrupt asshole is also an absolute scumbag!
By #610414 14,Dec,23 12:39
Yes! We know he's corrupt as anyone in or out of politics, but, to stop a woman from medically needed help is beyond anything.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Dec,23 13:12 other posts 
Everyone's death is worth their pro-life narrative.

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