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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by Dev01 [Ignore] 13,Jan,22 03:37  other posts
We've got you in this fuckin' movie to exterminate all the lunatics all at
once with a filtering system of God. We're the psycho-semantic police,
you can't even see us. How in the fuck can you do anything about it?
We're pure intelligence, your not. Your biological product of a
cosmological universe. Your molecular matter, I constructed you, fuck you.
I made you up, you didn't make me up, you got it backwards. You know who
you are? Your fuckin' semantic blockage, that's what made you up. You're
a fuckin' programmer named Christine Gontara.
You fucked up.
She sucked my cock, fell in love, and she was locked in. She's gonna get her second
chance to suck my cock again. If she turns me down, she's gonna go
straight to hell, she won't pass go, she'll never fuckin' win.
She's the cunt that thought she was God, but that's OK, I don't give a shit.
As long as she sucks me off when I tell her. 'Cause she's my zombie.
I captured that mother fucker, and she's my cassette. I want that cock
sucker to send me at least fifty-thousand fuckin' dollars.
If she can't do it I'll try ten. If she can't do that, I'll try five, but that's it.
If you got a dowry of five thousand dollars, come out here and suck me
off, do what I tell you from now on, then you can join me for eternal time.

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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Jan,22 11:03 other posts 
Using site analytics available to premium members with over two years on site, this is what I know:

tecsan's Activity: 1903

1900 of these activity metrics involved asking to suck cock, or talking about sucking cock. This differs from the usual Monday morning metrics where members complain he didn't swallow every drop messages.

By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 00:15 other posts 
Stupid mother fucker I have the same membership as you cocksucking son of a bitch.......You are using another way and you know it fuck head bitch.........
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 19:57 other posts 
If this site is confusing, and you help, ask Admin! Although, I don't think he is keen on remedial level site navigation.

By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 00:37 other posts 
I am sure this site is confusing for PA shittles, he loves the snitch bitch and sucks him everynight..........
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 01:30 other posts 
You are the ignorant fake news bitch like cnn and msnbc....I mean is anything you post the truth and if so just prove one for me, remember you call me a homosexual, no prove it bitch I fucking dare you with your fake bullshit....You must be a libturd always lying like you do.........

By Dev01 [Ignore] 13,Jan,22 03:40 other posts 
You went for line drawings and you fucked up you fuckin' idiot. You brainwashed yourself, you motherfuckin' stupid cocksuckers, because you never studied your Holy Homework. That's two capital H's there, all the rest are lower case in any fuckin' case. Supreme Court, you are not the fucking Supreme Court of anything, except Hell! For the next ten-thousand years you will shovel your shit and eat it, because you're on repeat, motherfucker. It just started backwards and you can't do a fuckin' thing about it. The public are gonna take back every fuckin' thing from you that you took away from them, you motherfucker!
By #610414 13,Jan,22 11:09
And they complain when I call someone a botched abortion
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Jan,22 11:21 other posts 
Oh cunt-ette... you have done much, much worse. Don't act like a site angel now. Reformed my ass. You will slip up again with the rate hits!

Racist comments, homophobic, anti-semitic... What a prize you are. A true hillbilly!

Cat Rat!!
--------------------------------------- added after 94 minutes

CAT. This is posted in Tecsan- the human bidet thread

And as predicted, here you go!

By CAT [Ignore] 13,Jan,22 11:01 [Delete Comment] other posts ⤴

As opposed to you having full blown Down’s Syndrome
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By #610414 07,Feb,22 14:07
And that makes me unique? Botched, botched, botched.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 19:56 other posts 
Push the coat hanger up that rat cunny ... just for old times sake!

It makes you a hypocrite. Look the word up if it is confusing!


By #610414 07,Feb,22 20:06
I rather be a hypocrite than a botched…well, you know.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 12:49 other posts 
An old lady, hanging on here, literally. So desperate to be relevant. Guarantee there are at least 36 age reversing products in your bathroom. All purchased off the internet in the middle of the night.

What happened to that pic you posted before xmas btw? The one where you look like a downy... droopy faced yanked tight with tape beneath the wig! Those home plastic surgery kits are dangerous! That must have hurt!!!


By Dev01 [Ignore] 13,Jan,22 03:38 other posts 
Cocksucking homophobic grub
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 19:57 other posts 
He is a grub... lower than a rented donkey!

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Feb,22 15:48 other posts 

Tecs-ette-- respond here rat cunt!!

By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 00:07 other posts 
Thanks, I believe I will you little woke son of a bitch.....Look at your mayor and your woke beliefs.....Fuck, I would move back to the communists if I were you, probably better...........
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 00:12 other posts 
If you really are a cocksucker then you have to project onto others to hide the truth....I do not mind, I know the truth and so does my female friend............

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Jan,22 08:33 other posts 

A brainless muppet for sure, natural follower, and no original thought of your own. Cut and paste some crap!

By Dev01 [Ignore] 13,Jan,22 05:17 other posts 
You only copy paste emojis when I raped your page They are not from skittles and you cunt do anything about it you flea. Keep Mommy safe and don't sponge it's money. Next time Grub... oh and cat will fight for you. You ain't a good cocksucker cause will get that wisdom tooth removed. No wisdom in your grill

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