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No justice anywhere

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by Dev01 [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 23:24  other posts
No justice anywhere, Ffs t look at this shit. I have 4 beautiful daughters and I worry. Fuckin wogs thinking can come here doing what they want. Skaff boys were special protection in Gaol.

At tax payers money, fuckin hell I will bullet these fuckin assholes.

4 **** girls.

Fuck these cunts they WILL get what is deserved. I just want to be the one.

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By Dev01 [Ignore] 05,Oct,21 23:27 other posts 
Oh yes, I'm Greek.was born here so part wog part dingo. R@peing child because they wear short skirt.. I would happily be an executioner and for free... UNBELIEVABLE.

There dad who was a top ch1ld surgeon response was... They wearing provocative clothing, and shrugged it off.
By #610414 08,Oct,21 15:16
Now I don’t know wether I should say,”G’Day mate.” Or “ Kaliméra”

By #275407 06,Oct,21 03:32
It's tuff to be a father of four girls, or any girls. I know I would be over protective of them.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Oct,21 04:01 other posts 
The worst thing about this whole debacle is my eldest daughter, Who is a qualified Forensic psychologist and works for Probation and Parole part of the NSW correctional services made a recommendation prior to sentencing and for the parole hearing.

So the government employ her for stringent diagnosis of the chance of re offending and risk to society. Only just years later to amount to nothing. Yet theses animals are set free. Well one atm.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

BTW our eldest is 34 and youngest 12 .

Thanks for your kind words codes
By #610414 06,Oct,21 08:19
There are so many creeps loose in the world these days, a parent has to keep a constant vigil protecting them. I have three kids, boy, girl, boy. 49, 46, 40. These days boys are in as much danger as girls. My worst time was as my daughter found her body and womanhood. We don’t own our kids. We are caretakers for a magnificent, glorious, miracle until we have to slowly, very slowly, let them fly on their own. When I hear about dirt bags being given a pass, I think what I would do with him, a sharp butcher’s knife and 30 minutes with him. DEV01, did you notice that you always feel your need to protect them even when they are fully grown adults?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Oct,21 18:36 other posts 
Absolutely, They will always be our babies And you should be able to wear a skirt without being r@ped.

My eldest daughter always says "the best prediction of future behaviour is past " and I think she has something there.
By #610414 06,Oct,21 20:06
Kudos to her
By #592419 08,Oct,21 15:00
Wow.. Smart!

This is just a bad moment in history. Best thing to do is to be a good fateher. Everything will be ok. Speaking words of wisdm..Let it be..

By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,21 08:49 other posts 
Wow,I wouldn't know where to start!
Perhaps a accident with a stolen bus with him trapped between the driveshaft and chassis, take him for a spin at 2 am?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Oct,21 19:05 other posts 

By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Oct,21 07:19 other posts 
That’s fucked up you protect your girls by any means possible

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Oct,21 06:38 other posts 
These dirty hadjis have ZERO respect for any laws. Nothing but locusts taking over. Good thing no brain Biden is letting so many come to the US, unvetted.

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