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Pussy smell

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Aug,18 16:30  other posts
In your experience, what kind of pussy smell do you like? Different pussies smell differently. Some do not smell at all. What's the best smell you've come across?

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Similar topics: 1.The sweet smell of pussy   2.Hairy pussy   3.Pissy lick and its natural smell   4.Hairy pussy?   5.Smell of pussy  

By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Mar,22 18:55 other posts 

By #613564 04,Dec,21 01:06
I prefer her natural scent, and HATE the flowery perfumes to cover that!
Most have just a nice, sensual scent, for the ones that notice, and find that arousing.
Nothing "fishy" or bad!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Dec,21 06:32 other posts 
I agree. Flowery smells aren't good.
By DJS [Ignore] 04,Dec,21 07:57 other posts 
Jasmine/Daisy/Rose/Lily disagree
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Dec,21 14:24 other posts 
By DJS [Ignore] 04,Dec,21 15:35 other posts 

By #652988 02,Dec,21 09:25
I like the smell of pussy and I don't like a hairy pissy

By #562152 19,Aug,18 09:44
i can't believe you guys are into pussy aromas. Why is it that you guys never think at the way you smell down there even though more women have to go down on you than you guys go down on women?? If you think "fishy" smells are normal, then you guys would throw up if you had to smell yourself,,
By What-once-was [Ignore] 19,Aug,18 12:26 other posts 
I mean as long as he has good personal hygiene a guy shouldn't really smell at all down there, if he dose then tell him to go wash himself.
By #562152 19,Aug,18 12:28
yeah!! that really makes the moment really exciting
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Aug,18 10:36 other posts 
"Why is it that you guys never think at the way you smell down there even though more women have to go down on you than you guys go down on women??"

Wrong assumption. NOT all guys receive more fellatio than they give cunnilingus. I can assure you that I eat pussy much more frequently than I get blowjobs. I just happen to LOVE watching a woman react to my touch and licks.
By #562152 20,Aug,18 11:27
That's a false premise. You assume using your own experiences.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Aug,18 05:32 other posts 
For example, who I'd go down this fantastic pussy regardless of smell. How could I resist? I'd want to multiply her orgasm by afactor of 10.
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By #435701 20,Aug,18 13:53
Men jis never 'nose' nuttin' as they only thinks wid da small hed...
By DJS [Ignore] 02,Dec,21 05:45 other posts 
Am quite good at languages but this one has got me FKED
By #275407 17,Dec,18 01:02
Maybe your just hanging out with the wrong guys, I use good hygiene, and I also think more guys go down on women then women on guys, at least that's where I'm from.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

I've been with a lot of girls and I only had one girl that smelled, she told me it was against her religion to douch, first time in my life I lost my erection and couldn't have sex with her, thanks, lol, I'm into clean and I want my girls clean also, just me.
By #562152 17,Dec,18 07:45
Cody, you've hit it on the head, hygiene, good hygiene is the whole game
By #568553 20,Dec,18 09:26
I think more guys want to go down on women than women want to go down on men. Women in my experience are less likely to want to have a man go down on her even though we want to.
By #613564 17,Oct,21 01:05
Definitely! She's afraid of being judged, and exposed, and so vulnerable! Who wouldn't be, in such a personal, intimate situation?
What many women don't realize, is that we are not judging, and just wanting to give her some erotic joy!

By #652988 22,Nov,21 00:44
Once you get past the steel you have it licked
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Nov,21 19:59 other posts 

By #619313 17,Oct,21 00:26
The smell I love the most is when she had sex the night before and the next morning or day I smell her fucked pussy holy fuck I get instant boner wanting to lick and fuck that pussy

By #652988 16,Oct,21 17:51
My woman pussy smell and I still eat it

By deepchocolate2071 [Ignore] 03,Feb,21 18:33 other posts 
My Favourite Pussy Smells are Similar to :






By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Feb,21 18:35 other posts 
Thanks! That was like a poem!

By #559941 19,Dec,18 17:07
Just smell your hand,.. that's as close to a pussy you'll ever get...

By #551147 19,Dec,18 04:55
If it smells... You should request a refund.

By Dong69 [Ignore] 16,Dec,18 23:23 other posts 
The only time, there is an un pleasant smell is when someone is not cleaning them selves, and that goes for anyone, and women are very anal about hygiene, so as for the smell of pussy, it has know smell, it very beautiful and sexy!!!

By cumcouplessa [Ignore] 12,Dec,18 22:47 other posts 
Hubby here. I've never come across either a vagina OR cock that smelled bad. Maybe I just been lucky? Some have definatelly had a stronger smell than others, but all tasted perfect . Have heard of an old tradition in Northern Africa, where women would stand over a pot of boiling sweet potatoes, so that the steam would deodorise their pussy's. Haven't had the pleasure to dine on one of those, but would love to try

By #573189 12,Dec,18 14:30
I assume that my favourite pussy smell is a pussie thats been propper washed 3-5 hours ago , not perfumed, and after had one or two pisses. that sort of pissie note works for me

By #435701 21,Aug,18 13:06
Actually, I never came across a pussy that smelled fishy. Call me lucky but I always wondered if that was just a myth...I HAVE smelled some very stinky ones, however. And those times were in public and the offending woman was fully clothed! I would be hard pressed to describe THAT smell! Except to say it was so entirely OVERPOWERING as to be revolting! Always wondered how the woman omitting this odor could NOT know??!...Life is tough for us stinky humans.
By admin [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 18:46 other posts 
I think you just don't know what cured fish smells like.

Pussy do often smell like cured fish. But I like that smell. Cured fish is tasty. I would honestly wish pussy smelled more like that.
By #435701 22,Aug,18 13:16
Then WHY is it said if you smell a fishy smell in the supermarket fish rack...You should NOT buy ANY fish from them? lol....Good for you. Eat what you like I always say!
By admin [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 15:34 other posts 
Because fresh cooled fish should not smell much. There is a huge difference between rotten fish smell and cured fish smell.
By #562152 22,Aug,18 13:22
A good seafood paella has to have some fish smell but cooked right it's delicious
By #23212 22,Aug,18 17:17
Having eaten many different paellas, I believe that delicious smell is mostly from the clams and mussels.
By #562152 22,Aug,18 13:20
some people are cursed with strong body odors,,,

By WristThick [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 20:14 other posts 
It should also be said that the smell and taste of a pussy is determined by the vaginal flora (bacteria type and concentration), diet and hormones. Strong smell (not necessarily bad) can be caused by dairy. And a bad smell can be caused by an imbalance of vaginal flora, often from antibiotics or a hormone problem. So a good smelling and tasting pussy really is a sign of good health. No joke.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 18:40 other posts 
The best is like the finest pan-seared yellow-fin tuna. Sometimes, there's a tinge of sugar-frosted corn flakes.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Aug,18 12:10 other posts 
"You know, there are two things in this world that smell like fish. And one of them is fish."

Reportedly Jack Nicolson said that to Jane Fonda in some movie, but I've never seen it so I don't know for sure. Does anyone else?
By WristThick [Ignore] 20,Aug,18 00:54 other posts 
I would have guessed Carnal Knowledge, which is a must see for the crowd here. But Fonda isn't in that one, so I don't know.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 11:01 other posts 
Thanks for the reply. Anyone else? I heard that story years ago and would really like to have it confirmed as true.

But even if it's not, it's a great story.

By WristThick [Ignore] 20,Aug,18 00:58 other posts 
"What's the best smell you've come across?"

Cinnamon. It tasted AND smelled like cinnamon. Just slightly, but it was clearly there. And no, I'm not kidding. I've been told I have a very good wine palate. That may translate to pussy, I don't know

By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Aug,18 13:20 other posts 
Leo, I have to say it. This post is fucked up. I’m going to gift you 20 points.

By #529487 19,Aug,18 07:33
My wife's is quite fishy, and old lover's smelled like pencil shavings, she was a teacher and my current squeeze is quite pleasant but very copious, she runs and runs.

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