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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 18:20  other posts
A large breasted lady friend informed me today that HUMIDITITTIES is a frustrating condition suffered by big boobed women on hot, humid days.
Thought I'd share as a PSA.
You're welcome.

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By #358797 30,Jun,18 22:26
Call me a weirdo, but I actually put panty liners in my bra when it's hot out.
Boob sweat is the devil.
By #275407 30,Jun,18 23:44
I would be happy to lick the sweat off your body, and then some
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Jul,18 15:29 other posts 
Okay, I'll call you a weirdo, but that's because most of the people I like on this planet are weirdos...

By mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 18:46 other posts 
what are nads stuck to leg called? Hey Mr wordsmith
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 19:03 other posts 
I believe that is known as TESTICKINESS.

(I have also heard it called NADHESION.)
By #545732 30,Jun,18 19:23
By boc [Ignore] 01,Jul,18 14:31 other posts 
By oldacock [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 21:47 other posts 
They're called nogonads.

By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 18:37 other posts 
Wouldn't it also be a condition suffered by morbidly obese men?
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 19:11 other posts 
As if having moobs isn't suffering enough...

By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 18:49 other posts 
Is this kinda like step-dotters titties?

By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 19:04 other posts 
He never said how big his step-dotter's titties were...

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