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Foreskin size

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #511422 [Ignore] 07,Oct,16 07:52
Question for guys with long foreskin.
My foreskin is quite long (head covered when erect), my ****'s is short totally uncovering the head when erect.
Before and during puberty I always masturbated, my **** never did.
From your experience, is the foreskin growth linked to the penis activity during puberty??

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By galaxy123 [Ignore] 04,Aug,21 10:35 other posts 
You can gauge your foreskin size or length looking at this index. only registered users can see external links

Mine is a CI-9

By Robino [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 17:13 other posts 

my foreskin used to be long too. the head was always covered, even erect. now it's circumcised though.

By bernd123 [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 13:56 other posts 
By tb1 [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 14:14 other posts 
Sweet hood

By jonns [Ignore] 21,Jun,21 18:28 other posts 

By #6568 10,Oct,20 04:28
I think it's genetic,'s mine 'relaxed' it still covers the glans when I'm stiff......

[deleted image]

There's more about foreskin in one of my blog entries.
By tb1 [Ignore] 20,Jun,21 08:34 other posts 
I agree about the genes

By #631189 20,Jun,21 07:58
I don’t think foreskin growth is related to activity. I wanked continuously from the age 13 onwards and mine was very tight and didn’t retract hard till my early twenties. It’s really short and goes back behind the head as soon as I get hard nowadays

By galaxy123 [Ignore] 08,Oct,20 06:59 other posts 
My foreskin is long and loose following an accident as a kid which tore my frenulum away from the head. Since then it fully retracted and I guess has stretched a bit over the years due to the full movement it has.
You can see in this pic it covers the head even when hard

By #202392 20,May,20 13:13
Mine is unfortunately circumcised. I wish I had a very long and tight foreskin that completely overhung the tip of my erect penis by at least 1 inch

By jonns [Ignore] 08,May,20 11:09 other posts 
By tb1 [Ignore] 17,May,20 01:53 other posts 
Luv the overhand 👍👍

By #539358 15,Apr,18 03:11
In my experience it’s the opposite, I was a later developer foreskin-wise. A lot of people through lack of knowledge do not realise the foreskin is fused to your glans at birth, hence why you should never pull back an infants foreskin to “clean it”. When you reach puberty they usually detach naturally and loosen up but in some guys it takes longer.
When I first started experimenting with my best friend age 11 I was amazed his foreskin rolled back and there was a big red bit under there as mine was too tight to retract.
By the time I was 15 I could retract when soft to clean under their but it was very tight so I was taken down the doctors by my Mum. He took a look and told me the above and stretching back regularly over time should loosen it up and if It doesn’t work after a period of time I should go back and they’d consider circumcision.
I tried the stretching method and slowly but surely it began to work normally by the time I was in my early twenties, though I always kept it forward masturbating as it was the only way I knew. My foreskin works perfectly now but it is very short naturally, when I’m soft my glans is usually part showing and when erect it always goes back snug behind my rather large glans. Consequently I never use it when jerking off or having fun, my glans is always on “show”
By tb1 [Ignore] 08,May,20 12:13 other posts 
If it’s fused to your glans, how is it parted for a circumcision?
By Emerald [Ignore] 16,May,20 11:52 other posts 
It would be interesting if the surgeon would sit there and wait for it to detach on its own. But he doesn't. He just tears it apart. There's nothing gentle about it, sadly.
By tb1 [Ignore] 16,May,20 14:09 other posts 
By Emerald [Ignore] 16,May,20 19:45 other posts 

It shouldn't be done to anyone until they are old enough to provide informed consent, but that's another discussion.
By tb1 [Ignore] 17,May,20 01:53 other posts 
I agree 100%

By Emerald [Ignore] 16,May,20 12:01 other posts 
This is an interesting question. My foreskin was always long, and looser than I would have liked it to be. I was always able to pull it back. However, many of my school friends had equally long skins, but ended up with less overhang, or even a bit of knob peeping through, after puberty. My skin remains as long as ever, with the knob fully covered when erect.

The only difference I can think of is that I've always been careful to pull my skin all the way forwards after, uh, use. I've always wondered if that made a difference as I was growing.

By mzr [Ignore] 15,Apr,18 02:34 other posts 
By #187354 06,May,20 23:14
Love the long foreskin
By tb1 [Ignore] 07,May,20 00:29 other posts 
You bet

By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 08,Oct,16 11:30 other posts 
Stupid censoring. Whose cock are you talking about?

I think the length of the foreskin is partly due to genetics, but also due to how tight it is when you go through puberty. Guys with tighter foreskins seem to end up with longer foreskins, and looser foreskins end up shorter. The dick grows, but the foreskin isn't held on it, and so it doesn't stretch as much.

That's just my theory though. Was your foreskin tighter when you were young?
By #511422 09,Oct,16 09:28
I was talking about my bru's... (hope it shows now)
My foreskin was never tight, just masturbated a lot before and during puberty.
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 09,Oct,16 12:26 other posts 
Huh, interesting!

By #121361 09,Oct,16 07:32
[deleted image]

By #496814 08,Oct,16 12:19
I guess I should have had a tenfold of foreskin length now if that was the case. I barely have any.
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 08,Oct,16 12:44 other posts 
Was your foreskin ever tight while you were growing up?

By #206678 07,Oct,16 16:25
I have a small part of my glans on show but only sometimes.[deleted image]

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 07,Oct,16 08:33 other posts 
I'd agree with eddieram; cock size, foreskin size, everything about your body from head to toes in inherited. Even two siblings inherit a different mix

By #93221 07,Oct,16 08:27
No I would say it is genetic, everyone is different.

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