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If you post an opinion in the forum...

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by JustWill [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 11:53  other posts
...there is a good chance that someone might disagree with you.
There's really no point in getting all bent out of shape and nasty about it.
There is, after all, the possibility that your opinion is wrong.

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By #396572 24,Jul,15 13:49
If a tree falls in a forest.....
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jul,15 14:00 other posts 
Are you going to say something profound or a you waiting for someone to say something, anything, so you can pounce on it with your silly self? Huh?
By #396572 24,Jul,15 18:17
and no-one is there to hear, is there a Sound?
By #415959 24,Jul,15 18:53
Yes, of course there was a sound.

It flat out doesn't matter if there are functioning ears around a falling tree.

It will make a sound.

An example of sorts...I just farted in my kitchen.

There was no one around.

Did it smell?

By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Jul,15 21:35 other posts 
If you farted in the kitchen, then YOU were around.
So your example doesn't count.
Unless you have the mutant ability to teleport farts into the kitchen from other rooms...
(I'm not even going to get into the part about how functioning ears have nothing to do with smelling butt-wind.)
By #485312 09,Oct,16 23:55
it hits the ground *lix*

By slipper [Ignore] 27,Mar,16 18:48 other posts 
As the ol' adage goes, "opinions are like a**holes, everyone has at least one! And, no two ever seem to be exactly alike."

By #485312 20,Mar,16 04:25
But its totally ok to get butt hurt and bent if your opnion is deleted. When people just dont like it because its not an actual opinion, but rather a cheap ploy to get your head on every ones page? *lix *

By #181785 06,Oct,15 00:33
My opinion doesn't stink and is always right. The reason is I am never WRONG, I thought I was once but I was only mistaken about that.

By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Oct,15 17:05 other posts 
Seriously, folks:
If you post shitty comments in the forum and get all pissy and butthurt when people respond in kind, you are either intellectually slow or a nut-job.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,15 17:29 other posts 
Jefrow has been posting digs in the forum. Do you think that it makes him feel better about himself?
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Oct,15 17:36 other posts 
I pretty much view Jefrow as a non-entity. Not worthy of time wasted to respond to him. Dude is a perfect example of what I said above.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Sep,15 08:06 other posts 
I disagree with your opinion.
By #485312 08,Sep,15 19:06
l agree with your leo lol, just to disagree with popular belief *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Sep,15 22:19 other posts 
I have no clue what he wrote about in this thread. To new, it sounded something you write when you finish a job and are about to start a new one but , instead, are procrastinating. So whether I agree or disagree is irrelevant. ...
By #485312 10,Sep,15 05:54
doesn't matter anyway, lets just get bent and twisted together *lix*

By #487013 23,Jul,15 03:09
Everytime someone posts an opinion an angels gets it wings. Or wait maybe that was everytime someone buys toilet paper from target.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,15 07:56 other posts 
True dat!

By #488385 20,Jul,15 11:19
I disagree...but I could be wrong
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,15 18:58 other posts 
I am wrong... but I could disagree
By #485312 22,Jul,15 09:11
all opinions should be valued even if you don't like them *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Jul,15 10:57 other posts 
Oh I was just being funny. I was drunk too.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,15 13:39 other posts 
To *lix*, now that's funny, you're hysterical!
By #485312 23,Jul,15 04:48
maybe you should check some of your own *lix*
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,15 07:55 other posts 
My opinions are simply that, my opinions. So if you really stand behind what you post, that all opinions should be valued even if you don't like them, it shouldn't matter whose opinion that it is, man or woman.

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 13:54 other posts 
opinions are like assholes.... everyone has one and they all stink..
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 16:04 other posts 
Not my opinions. I have many opinions, the difference between my opinions and the other guy's opinions are that I'm always right. If you're not sure, just ask me.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Jul,15 18:57 other posts 
Is this just your opinion?
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 16:51 other posts 
I have been told that my asshole smells very pleasant. Must be all the rainbow farting...
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 17:23 other posts 
Who told you that? It had to be someone with a severe cold, 100% congested and without a sense of smell or taste!
--------------------------------------- added after 76 hours

Oh, I'm surprised that you didn't respond to my NEIGGGGHHHHHHH!
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 19:16 other posts 
Having never sniffed the aroma of my majestic and mystical nether regions, I am not sure that you are qualified to pass judgement, ma'am.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 20:29 other posts 
Have you sniffed the aroma of your majestic and mythical nether regions? One word.......NEIGGGGHHHHHHH! 💥

By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 14:15 other posts 
Good point. You might want to have a look at my Forum topic "A Request for Civilized Conduct on the Forum".

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Jul,15 13:25 other posts 
Of course there's a chance that someone might not agree with YOUR opinion. But a chance that THEIR opinion is wrong, never! After all, it's only an opinion!

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