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Small addition for paid members

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by admin [Ignore] 19,Sep,13 15:42  other posts
One of the members asked me if it's possible to hide how many points you have, because of the beggars who are asking to donate them points. So I made this feature. It's available to premium members only (including those who buy points without account upgrade). It's under Points menu -> Hide Points (or "Show Points" if you hid them).

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By #358797 19,Sep,13 20:59
Aye, aye. Tis a splendid feature. Now nobody shall be squandering for me booty. Thank ye kindly, Cap'n. (for it still be a day of piratey speak in my location. Me apologies for pillaging the thread with me scurvy tongue. )
By #23212 20,Sep,13 01:59
But nay, some shall still be squirming fer yer booty, and will be 'squandering' all their limes to get that scurvy off yer tongue.
By #358797 20,Sep,13 02:17
Aargh. Sounds most pleasing. Just don't be trying to swab me poop deck while you try riddin' me of that thar scurvy. Ahar har har.
By #23212 20,Sep,13 03:37

Nay again, yer poop deck can be swabbed by other scabbies another time. The riddin' of thar scurvy takes a mitey clean swabber, shoved down yer choker fer a fair bit 'o time.
By #201583 20,Sep,13 17:32
Arr. I be ah wonderin. Do ye have just one brown eye, or two?
By #358797 21,Sep,13 00:19
Aargh. Thar only bes one brown eye down thar far as me know. The other hole tend to be a more pleasing shade of pink. but low and behold, if I perchance grow a new brown eye, ye shall be the first t'know. Har har Har.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 01:54 other posts 
I understand this being a feature for premium or diamond members however please explain how this feature will work for members who buy points without an account upgrade. When points are purchased, they are exempt from being "burned" for a period of 30 days, does the same 30 day principle hold true for hiding points?
By admin [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 07:57 other posts 

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