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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 26,May,12 12:42  other posts
I'm here because I like to look at cocks.... go figure! When I see an attractive cock I want to leave a comment. If you look at my comments, they are not lewd but positive and in most cases, short. A gay member deleted a comment that I left so I messaged him and asked "why?" As much as I appreciated his point of view I found his response somewhat hostile. He told me to think about it, he's gay and that he found my "parts" repulsive. Okay, I get that but all I said was "beautiful"

Gay members, do you prefer the female members not to comment on your pics?

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By #491116 29,Sep,16 08:08
Well, I have something similar. Most of the comments I receive are from gay or Bi men. Now, I myself would not be attracted to their "parts", but I still enjoy the comments! I couldn't imagine deleting them just because I don't find the posters sexy! Like so many others on this site, I love to be seen naked and these comments confirm that there are people who appreciate that!

By routemaster [Ignore] 29,Sep,16 05:23 other posts 
I certainly don't mind ladies seeing my dick, balls and ass and commenting on them. If I did, I wouldn't be here. Plenty of ladies have seen me nude at the nudist club I used to go to and it never bothered me then neither. For some (not everyone) there seems to be this idea that being gay means we don't like ladies at all. OK, maybe not sexually, but you don't have to fancy someone to be friends with them and I have several platonic lady friends and would not wish my life to be without them. So if a lady or ladies comment in a positive way on what they see of me here on SYD, then I'm quite happy for them to do so and I also have made friends with some of them too - and you know who you are!

By #517796 29,Sep,16 00:46
I'd rather hear from guys. If a person is unattractive, that's no excuse to hurt their feelings. Its not you're going to make it with them! Just don't egg them on!

By #316057 24,Sep,16 03:55
Should I become complete gay so you can comment on my pics..!
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,16 14:36 other posts 
Jamie......I've commented on a number of your pictures. Most recently, I mentioned that I liked your avatar. Your balls and taint look so GOOD!
By #316057 28,Sep,16 23:54

By #460523 28,Sep,16 18:34
I would love a comment from anyone

By pifad [Ignore] 28,Sep,16 16:08 other posts 
I have always been thrilled when you commented my pics. You've been nothing but nice to me and I appreciate you immensely.

By cumjohn [Ignore] 28,Sep,16 13:44 other posts 
Anybody can leave comments to my pics and i dont mind it all
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,16 14:46 other posts 
Good! I left a comment and a couple of gifts!

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Sep,16 03:21 other posts 
I think you met a dink. Feel free to leave any comments on any guy's page. Show me a guy that doesn't like to have his cock complimented and I'll show you a dink. BTW, I was born in Windsor.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,16 14:42 other posts 
kebmo, you have always been gracious to me. Thank you for appreciating and acknowledging my recent comments on your pictures!

By #204902 24,Sep,16 03:39
I like your comments!
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,16 14:33 other posts 
It's win/win because I like your pictures, Bratwurst!

By littleun [Ignore] 23,Aug,12 21:49 other posts 
i agree with Jay. I'm gayer than a goose, however if i got a comment from either bella or steffi, i would be highly complimented that they cared to comment at all!

By #238826 23,Aug,12 20:51
ALL comments are welcome, if they are positive. I love this site because most people are open-minded and good-natured. Keep leaving comments bella!

By #266252 23,Aug,12 13:28
Oh Bella, I love your pics. Please look at my weiner! I would love if you would comment. You are beautiful and screw anyone who feels otherwise.

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,12 13:27 other posts 
To this day, I still ask if I may comment on pics posted by gay members.......

By #260870 02,Jun,12 09:02
Get over it , I don't like everything I see either (so what)
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,12 11:17 other posts 
Please explain your response, "get over it", are you saying I need to get over it? Thank you.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,12 17:02 other posts 
May 3, 22:16 bella!: Thank you for your response. I don't believe I made a lewd comment I think all I said was "Beautiful pic" but I respect your opinion and your point of view. Be assured that I won't comment on your pics again. You have a nice life as well and work on smoothing out that chip you have on your shoulder. Your rude comment to me was unnecessary.

May 3, 22:04: My God, why would you send a comment to one who is gay? I'm offended by boobs and all the other female stuff. So there's my answer. Don't try this again on me. A gay man is not into females. Think! Have a nice life. (And your pics make me sick)

May 2, 13:57 bella!: I see that you deleted my comment. I have commented on the pics of members who identify themselves as gay and often, I receive a thank you, then again, sometimes not. May I ask why was my comment deleted? Did you find it offensive or do you prefer comments from men only? I would sincerely appreciate your feedback.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 26,May,12 17:36 other posts 
Bella! Your absolutly correct! In actuality all you did was comment on a beautifull picture. In fact if he didnt look at your photos how would he know they they make him sick? Even if they did It was completly wrong for him to state that to you in a responce. The person has made a generalised statment (a gay man is not interested in Females) I my oppinion he had no right making that statement ,Because I know many Gay men that have many female friends,so one would think his statement is faulse, I wouldnt loose any **** over his rudeness, he is not worth it! And thats my take on the situation!!
By #199530 28,May,12 02:13
who was the guy???
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,12 02:18 other posts 
It's not necessary for me to say. If he reads the discussion forum and wants to identify himself, that's his option.....
By #252678 01,Jun,12 21:06
Sounds to me like he was probably treated this way by straight men and is now taking it out on straight women in a round about way. There's no excuse for him being a prick though.

By #264467 31,May,12 17:55
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jun,12 10:21 other posts 
Enjoy!???? Uh, did you read the topic of discussion?

By #147052 01,Jun,12 10:10
The rule is that if you post a pic then you are opening yourself to any and all comments, straight, gay, lesbian, etc. You don't want comments, then don't post pics or opinions-it is just that easy.

By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 31,May,12 17:52 other posts 
every time and when occasionally somebody (gay or straight) visit my page, i always write "thx for your visit" and some complements. I'm not expecting answers, but removing my positive comments last month is equal to (- 30) points for me! Be polite here it is not recommended and it's very sorry!
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,12 18:08 other posts 
Don't get discouraged. Be the nicest "YOU" that you can be.

By #196304 30,May,12 23:10
I appreciate a compliment from anyone who is kind enough to take the time to leave one. How could anyone object to it especialy in todays world. Instead of tearing each other down I think its great for the ego to be complimented by either sex. So you just go on an compliment or remark on anyones page that you wish to.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,12 14:02 other posts 
Thank you!

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 26,May,12 13:31 other posts 
My sweet dear bella i wil be honoerd if females wil like to comment on my pics.we a
re all here to innjoy beautiful pics.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,12 16:56 other posts 
Thank you gradurgaur! Will you tell me please, what is the meaning of your name?
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 28,May,12 21:33 other posts 
gradur gaur meen horny guy in icelandic...
By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,12 00:51 other posts 
Thank you!

By #139339 28,May,12 02:20
Well I'm straight and I love receiving compliments from anyone. I've gotten lots of good comments from gay men and I'm fine with that, it's very faltering. I've also received a nice comment from you bella, thanks. I'm open to anyone telling me what they think of my pics, it's why I'm here.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,12 02:25 other posts 
YAY!!!!! As far as I'm concerned, we're all exhibitionists here. Does it really matter who looks at our pics and who we receive comments from?

By #14216 27,May,12 03:02
Hello Bella, I totally agree with the last comment from my friend in the US. Its ALWAYS nice to have our dicks complimented by whichever gender and even if I didn't like ladies to compliment me, I wouldn't be so rude as to say so and make hostile comments about your body parts. I do hope this won't put you off complimenting gay men's dicks, after all if we are going to put our private parts on show here then ladies are just as entitled to look as men and I certainly don't mind being seen by the opposite sex, I went to a nudist club for many years. Nor do I find women repulsive neither, indeed I have several platonic lady friends here in the UK and I wouldn't want not to know them nor have them in my life. What I will also say, ma'am, is that that guy who was rude to you is in the minority, the vast majority of people on this site are nice decent genuine people for whom the human body is not offensive and I have made lots of friends here. Don't let this guy worry you or upset you, forget about him, some people just get a kick out of being offensive just to try and get a reaction and the best thing to do with those is to ignore them, else you play right into their hands. I hope this helps, all the very best for now, ma'am, RM xxxxxxxx
By #199530 28,May,12 00:14
out of curiosity: what exactly is a "nudist club"??

you mean like a night club where everybody is nude???
By #14216 28,May,12 02:00
Not quite. The nudist club I went to was open all year round and you could get there early and strip off immediately and stay naked until time to go home. There would be singles, couples, families. and on nice summer days plenty of outdoor nude sunbathing and swimming in the pool. Social nudity is a great leveller and I made lots of friends there with open-minded people for whom the human body is a thing of beauty and nothing to be offended about, as some would like to have us think
By #199530 28,May,12 02:04
I wish I knew a place like that over here =(
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,12 02:20 other posts 
google nudist resorts in Mexico, there's many "hits"

By #199530 27,May,12 19:09
Honestly, I don't like my pictures bing "complimented" by homosexual males, it creeps me out, yet, I have never deleted a comment just because the comenter was male, I just delete offensive comments

I would never delete one like this mainly because I know it would cost the other guy points and he's done nothing wrong so why would I?

that guy is a freak
By #89828 27,May,12 23:48
Does it "creep you out" if straight guys post comments on your junk?
By #199530 28,May,12 00:08
depending on the comment I would doubt it was really a "straight" guy
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,12 01:20 other posts 
It's peculiar, I would wager to say, there would be no concern if a comment/compliment was received on your car, golf clubs, the fine job you do on landscaping so I'm not sure I understand the logic behind being creeped out but I do thank you for taking time to provide your perspective.

By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,12 14:40 other posts 
I thank you all for your positive feedback. What I take away from this forum discussion is that a genuine compliment is acceptable.

By #265885 26,May,12 17:39
chk me out plz
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,12 17:45 other posts 
This purpose of this discussion was to understand how gay men felt about comments made by the female membership. Please provide your input.
By #265885 26,May,12 20:22
fuck their feelings
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,12 20:41 other posts 
Not nice HarmanSmith and I'll leave it at that.

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