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The gang members judgement made my day

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By Robben [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 18:53   Pageviews: 99

Around one week ago after swim exercise a strange thing happend in the shower room. I would fill up a bottle with water and a guy stand beside the sink. I thought he was on his way to go so I stand there and waited. That made the guy pretty aggresive and he began to argue with me and wanted me to go around him instead. I was pretty calm and said there was no problems. But he continue to argue. Finally I told him he seemd to be sensitive and I wasnt used to this situation. I also said he seemd to be the kind of guy who wants to search fights. Suddenly he began to investigate my body (!) Opps, shit was my first thinking, it was obvious this guy was some type of gang member, probably with experience of pure fights (Which I have not at all). But I stand there and behaved calmed, he looked at me, first my body and then at my hanging soft penis and then up again and said: ”no, nobody wants to fight with you. You are in charge” then silence and he walked away. I was almost in shock, I was saved by my tall body and long cock And it was a good feeling.

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By SexyKat [Ignore] 12,Apr,24 23:37
He saw that you had a “boss” cock. The cock of a Viking chieftain

By 42pupasmurfblue60 [Ignore] 10,Apr,24 18:41
If it was me. I would not go there again, he maybe checking you out and targeting you for the next time, it was a dangerous situation, you have know idea what he had in mind
DONT GO THERE AGAIN, glade your OK, if he looked you up and down he was trying to remember you! Stay away from there!!!

By alanhuk [Ignore] 08,Apr,24 18:06
Wow. What a strange encounter...glad you are ok!

By SmoothHarry [Ignore] 08,Apr,24 02:00
I think he just wanted your attention

By volkmar [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 18:56
Nice story Robben. Yes, some men behave strange and one do not see the reason why. Haha, Your cock was the best argument. LOL
By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 19:05
Either the guy was on medications or used drugs to have that kind of behavior. You handle the situation very well.

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