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By jayzekretz [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 11:20   Pageviews: 64

ok you got me … sooo I am a self confessed chat aholic I love to chat and or text.
Trouble is I am a rare breed no one else seems to enjoy chatting.
So I will chat with myself here in my blog. lol
After thinking about it a lot I realize that my perversion began way back in childhood. I know that is cliche but hey it is what it is.
I came from a troubled family life. My Mom went psycho on us when I was just a toddler. She tried to kill all of us there were 4 kids in my family at the time. So my Dad had to commit her to an Asylum. She got shcik treatments to erase her memory but she just was not the same ever again.
Well my Dad hung in there with her for serveral years after that incident. And they had one more kid in an attempt to save what was left of a wrecked marriage. My little brother Dale was the one we called the Mogan David baby cause they got drunk on wine and had Dale.
Anyways I was a pretty fucked up kid all my childhood. I wet the bed and I had a bowel control issue for awhile in elementary school. I would just crap in my pants. To this day I do not know what that was all about but it was very embarassing for me and my Dad. Several times he would have to come to the school and get me cleaned up and take me back to school.
That may have been when I developed my fasination with anal things.
I think I was in 2nd or 3rd grade when I develped a friendship with one of our neighbor boys. We would do sleep overs and take baths together. Somehow that led to us fondling each other and fingering each others assholes in the tub. Later I got my little sister invovled we 3 would walk across the street to the park and hide in the bushes and take turns fingering each others assholes. Go figure I know right?
Well this took place in the early 60s which of course was a very conservative time in our culture and I was drilled hard and heavy that homoseuality was a major nono. Well eventually we moved away and I never saw that neighbor kid again.
Then my Dad finally had all he could stand of my wacky Mom and besides he had a coworker that was a realy con artist and so he started having an affair with her and then divorced my Mom and split.
Eventually after the divorce he married this woman and they taled my Mom into giving them my and my brother so we went to live with my Dad and Stepmom.
Now my stepmon had 2 kids from her previous marriage a boy and a girl.
And my step brother taught me the fine aret of masturbation when I was about 12 yo. My Dad and StepMom lived on a 5 acre tract of land that belonged to my StepMoms Father who was a Baptist preacher lolyes ironic isnt it.
Well we had some livestock a donkey and a couple of horses.
My stepbrother and his cousin would go down to the barn and take turns fucking the horses lol. Of course our parents never found out about our lewd demented adventures. BTW I must mention my step cousin had a huge cock must have been 12-13 inches long and thick too so he got a reaction out of the horses when he fucked them.
Well this takes me up to my High School years. Living with my Dad and StepMom was not easy. They were strict disciplinarians and we got whipped a lot by my Dad. As mentioned earlier my StepMom was a PK preachers kid. And so we had to go to church 3 times a week like it or not.
That is where I learned about sin and God and the Devil and hellfire and brimstone and how homosexuality was one of the worst sins you could commit.
When our parents were gone we would do nasty things together like have circle jerks and try different things. Like one time I tried to sodomize my little brother we wanted to know what it felt like so I tried sticking my cock in his asshole. I only got part of my cockhead in when he said it hurt too much so I stopped trying. We never sucked each other though for some reason probably the threat of hell kept us from that who knows.
We would also talk our stepsister into letting us play with her pussy.
MMMM that was really fun.
Well as per human nature we do not like to be told we can not do something i.e. Adam & Eve in the Garden.
So when I graduated High School I joined the Merchant Marines and became an Able Bodied Seaman aka AB and sailed the seven seas.
Now the merchant marines is not a military job at all it is a Union job.
And so I would have to register at a Union Hall and bid on the jobs that came up on the board in order to get a job.
This brings me to my first same sex encounter with a man. I met this man at the Union Hall in Houston Tx. We agreed to rent a house together and become roomates until we could ship out. So we located a house right across the street from the Union Hall and moved in together.
One day we decided to party a little and I scored some mescaline and he had some pot so we got high together.
Well I went in to take a piss and he followed me in and he took a piss with me and commented on what a nice cock I had. Well I thought that was a bit strange and then he asked if he could suck my cock! At first I said no then he asked if I would piss on him in the bathtub!! I said HELL NO!
So he kept asking to suck my cock so being young and horny I finally gave in and he sucked me to a huge erection and then he laid down on the floor face down butt up and wanted me to fuck him in the ass well I was really freaking out I mean this was messing with my head I was tripping on the mescaline and having to decide whether to fuck this guy or not.
Well my hormones won and I said WTF why not so I mounted his ass and fucked the hell out of him.
That was one mind blowing event for me. I thought oh shit does this make me gay or what? Then I learned about bisexual men that enjoy sex with both men and women and so I chose to think of myself as bisexual.
Well that was my first real same sex encounter. To be honest it kind of freaked me out. So I did not pursue it again for many years.
Now I was never a real ladies man so I did not get a lot of pussy mostly I had to pay for it.
I developed a chronic masturbation habit along the way because the orgasm is more addictive than a cocaine or heroine high.
So living in Houston was like living in Las Vegas as far as permiscuous sex was concerned and they have a big gay community there. They also have lots of swinging adds in the classifieds.
Well running with the people I was hanging with at the time I got to meet and party with some swingers too. That was a lot of fun too. Fucking guys wives and eating their pussies out. I never let on that I was bisexual at those parties though because I still was afraid of being labeled bisexual or gay. I just played it straight.
One guy I was friends with may have sensed that I was bisexual because he came on to me a couple of times.
But I just acted innocent and turned down his advances.
I was living with him for a time at his Aunt’s house. She was an old lady but very horny and we ended up having sex a few times.
Well now that I am thinking about it there were several same sex encounters in Houston.
Once I was hitch hiking to San Antonio and this gay guy picked me up and started rubbing my cock through my jeans. My cock got huge and hard in just a few seconds. I got scared and told him to let me out which he did but then my horny hormones got the best of me and so I crossed the freeway so I could catch him on the other side. And he stopped again and took me to his apartment. We had a few beers and sat on the couch in our underwear feeling each other off and kissing.
Then he took me to his bedroom and we got naked together and this is where I was at a loss because he wanted to do a 69 and I never sucked a guys cock before. But I did what I could and before long he stopped sucking my cock and just fucked my face until he came in my face. Wow that was HOT I couldnt believe how good it felt to suck his cock. Well that got me even hornier and so I asked him to fuck my ass. He was hesitant but we got some butter out of the fridge for lube and he tried to penetrate my ass. But it was hurting me too much so I had him stop.
The next morning we acted like nothing happened and he gave me a ride back out to the freeway and I continued hitching to San Antonio.
….to be continued….
So that was one of my first same sex encounters. I knew then that I was hooked.
At this point I was still in my early 20s young dumb and full of cum as they say. But I never wanted to jump off wholehog into the lifestyle I would just have occasional encounters when I would get really horny and couldnt find a woman to fuck.
I was still single and had no kind of attachments to anyone. Add to this my fundamental Christian upbringing and you could say I was very confused and conflicted with the whole thing.
Now I realize most of the good folks on this site are not of the opinion that there is anything wrong with being gay or bi or transsexual. As our whole society has embraced it whole heartedly.
That being said still, for me it was an issue that I had to wrestle with my whole life.
Well it all gets a bit foggy here because I was deep into drugs by this time so I lost track of the chronology of the events.
But who cares right?
I was keeping up my heterosexual image pretty good and most folks thought I was a normal heterosexual male.
I eventually moved back to Kerrville Tx to live with my Mom. That is where I met this guy who was a speed freak and he got me hooked on speed. It was a fun time and I really enjoyed it because it just gave me energy and made me feel great all the time....until I had to crash...then it was living hell.
Well me and this guy became good friends and worked together on a few jobs around town and partied together a lot.
He had a van and we used to do drugs together in his van and I had a motel room at one time and he showed me about Arrid Extra Dry spray deodorant. If you inhaled it it gives you a huge psychedelic rush high for about 30 seconds to 1 minute it was a real rush.
Well my friend had gotten arrested at one point and he asked me to help bail him out with a cops ring that he found in his van when they searched his van the cop had lost his wedding ring!
So I went and hocked it and posted his bail and that bonded us even more. But I never let on to him that I was bisexual. However I think he sensed it.
Anyway he had a friend who was going to go down to Corpus Christi to find work. And at the time I was unemployed also. So he arranged with his friend that I could go with him.
Now his friend had a van also and we headed down to the coast to find work.
...That is not all we found...we got some day jobs working on barges and day work like that and we were making a little money. We would go to the bars at night and get drunk together.
So this one night we got really drunk and I got really really horny for sex! So I indicated to him that I wanted to suck his cock. At first he was reluctant, but I assured him I did not want him to suck my cock too. So he was all right with it. Well one thing led to another and he got a big hard on and he got horny too so I decided I wanted to try out anal sex to see what it was like. And he was more than willing to pop my cherry asshole!
It was HOT too he really tore my asshole up and I really loved it too! He got a little rough and fell out a couple of times but I was so horny I helped him get back in and he proceeded to pound my ass till he emptied his huge load into my bowels. MMMM that was sweet I was drunk but I loved the feeling it didn't hurt at all it just felt goooood!!

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By #668890 [Ignore] 26,Aug,23 15:18
Vert arousing and enjoyable reading. Glad you shared it so completely

By onthelose [Ignore] 22,Oct,21 01:08
You start by saying my perversion. Thats where you are wrong sex is sex no matter who you have it with. Anything else is perverted.
By jayzekretz [Ignore] 22,Oct,21 09:28
Ok thanks for you feedback.
By jayzekretz [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 18:46
everyone has their own definitions I guess

By furluvr [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 12:03
By jayzekretz [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 13:22
Hi thanks you really think it’s fascinating? Great I was afraid it would be too dull and no one would read it.
By furluvr [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 19:04
I enjoy reading about people's personal journeys to their present sexuality, particularly those who were exploring back when you had to be completely secretive. Not like you can't still get into trouble, but it's a lot easier with the internet.
By jayzekretz [Ignore] 22,Oct,21 09:36
Yes that is true. And now with lgbtq we have our rights lol
I recently had a guy attempt to blackmail me he was from another site. I didn't fall for it I just changed my phone # and deleted him. Even if he followed thru with his threat I wouldn't have paid him because I have no money and although I enjoy being on the down low if worse comes to worse. I am prepared to face the consciences. Fuck a bunch of blackmailers

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