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By Matt127991 [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 09:07   Pageviews: 158

I'm mostly just curious to see what various women on the site think of my dick. Ironically, it's just been dudes that I've been getting feedback from. I thought this was strange at first, but I looked at the comment section of more popular dick photos, also it's mostly guys commenting on those too. It seems that women simply aren't that interested in dick pics. I find this both interesting and typical as this is a typical example of my kind of luck, but here I am. So on the 1% chance that a woman wandering about these lands happens to come across this, please do leave a comment.
On the bright side I've looked through a lot of pussies on the site and most of them look great, so major props to the ladies on the site!

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By Cox4you [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 01:08
It’s just a compliment. Be glad you’re being noticed. This is a diverse site of amateur folks. A compliment is a good thing

By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 12:21
The fact that only guys have commented on your pics isn't actually "ironic". The vast majority of members here are male (or guys pretending to be women).
By #614715 [Ignore] 16,May,20 10:19
"guys pretending to be women"...

By #614715 [Ignore] 16,May,20 10:19
Men like to compare, it´s just a fact of nature. Also, women cannot fathom the sensitive spots on our third legs… So , that is life.

By #335300 [Ignore] 06,Aug,17 21:54
well I'm a woman and here is my comment...your cock looks good, honey! Nice and thick and juicy. looks like you'd be fun to fuck. I love younger guys and your amazing sexy stamina. I found you from your feedback comment on my profile....thanks hon! I think your dick would feel really good in my wet tight pussy!

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